Chronic feeding

Some believe that chronopathy is one of many diets. In the modern world, the problem of obesity is very acute. But contrary to the opinion that chronopathy refers to methods of weight loss, this statement is fundamentally not true. This is a food system, according to which you can eat absolutely everything, but in due time.

Meals at the time of day

Here is an approximate schedule of the diet for the time of day, based on the biological activity of the body during the day:

  1. 6.00-9.00 Breakfast. This is the most important meal. On the table must be present protein food. It can be eggs in the form of an omelette or scrambled eggs, yoghurts. What is better to eat for breakfast? First of all, to arouse appetite, you need to drink a glass of cold water. What is better to eat if you do not want anything for breakfast? The most important thing is not to leave the house hungry. Very sweet tea or coffee is mandatory.
  2. 10.30 Often by this time a man wakes up easy hunger. Mute the feeling with yogurt or other food that does not contain carbohydrates.
  3. 12.00-14.00 Lunch. At this time of the day the body needs protein food. Fish, poultry, salads. You can add nuts. Thus, the body receives carbohydrate and protein foods.
  4. 16.30 The time when you can eat with fruits or vegetables. In the workplace you can eat a banana or an apple, at home to have a snack with dried fruits or stewed vegetables.
  5. 17.00-20.00 Dinner. The preferred time for dinner is 18.00. But not every working person by this time can afford to have supper. Supper should consist of boiled protein food, it will be very useful to supplement it with a salad of vegetables. Try to exclude any fatty foods.

This is only an approximate food schedule. But it is at these intervals that the body is able to assimilate food most qualitatively.

Can I eat after 6?

Contrary to the opinion that there is an evening of disastrous for the body, there are cases when it even is necessary. This applies, for example, to working people who simply do not have time to eat during the day, they just need a late supper, so as not to fall into a hungry faint. Eating in the evening is also necessary for people with gastritis. Going to bed without eating food for a pregnant woman is not only difficult, but also dangerous for the fetus.

In fact, nutritionists are advised not to eat 4 hours before bedtime. Most people go to bed around 22.00, so the famous 18.00 is common to most. But "owls" may well take dinner and after 18.00.

So can you eat after 6? If you lie down at about 22.00 and wish to save the figure, it is preferable to just drink tea.