How useful is ascorbic acid and where is it contained?

To strengthen the immune system, vitamins help to become healthier and more enduring. One of the most popular and familiar to us from childhood is vitamin C. We suggest to know how useful ascorbic acid is and why ascorbic acid is considered irreplaceable for a cold.

Ascorbic acid - what is it?

Many people still know that ascorbic acid is a glucose-related organic compound, which is one of the main substances in the diet, which is necessary for the normal functioning of bone and connective tissues. It is designed to perform the biological functions of the reductant, as well as the coenzyme of certain metabolic processes and is an antioxidant.

What contains ascorbic acid?

Even children know that a lot of vitamin C is in lemons. In addition, contains ascorbic acid in products:

Ascorbic acid is good and bad

When there is not enough vitamin C in the human body, the following symptoms appear:

Do not allow the occurrence of all these symptoms, or they can be eliminated by adding to your diet the necessary amount of vitally important vitamin. So you can answer the question, what gives ascorbic acid - strengthens the immune system, reduces anxiety, makes the sleep really strong, healthy, removes pain in the lower extremities, bleeding gums. However, an overdose of vitamin C can have a detrimental effect on the human body.

Ascorbic acid is a good

Not all of us understand why ascorbic acid is needed. It has the following effects on the body:

  1. Restoring action . Vitamin C takes an active action in the formation of collagen fibers, heals wounds and various injuries on the body.
  2. Very strong antioxidant . Ascorbic acid is able to normalize the redox processes in the human body and to fight the radicals, to clean the vessels.
  3. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis . It is very useful ascorbic acid in the presence of anemia.
  4. Common restorative effect . Vitamin C in the body is able to improve immunity , and therefore is a very good preventive tool that helps with colds, flu.
  5. Participates in metabolism . Thanks to this substance, the action of tocopherol and ubiquinone is enhanced.

Ascorbic acid - harm

Although vitamin C has a lot of useful properties, with uncontrolled use it can harm the human body. Refuse the use or with caution to consume one of the most popular vitamins necessary:

  1. To everyone who has allergies to ascorbic acid.
  2. Suffering on gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers).
  3. Pregnant women. With excessive use of ascorbic acid, metabolism may be impaired.

An overdose of vitamin C has the following symptoms:

The daily dose of ascorbic acid

It is generally accepted that the norm of ascorbic acid per day is from 0.05 g to 100 mg. However, during high loads, hard physical labor, mental and emotional stress, infectious diseases, during pregnancy, it increases. So, for prevention, the recommended dose:

  1. For adults - 50-100 mg daily.
  2. For children older than 5 years - 50 mg.

For the purposes of treatment, such doses are provided:

  1. Adult - 50-100 mg three or five times a day after eating.
  2. Children with a shortage of vitamin C are prescribed 0.5-0.1 g for one dose. It repeats twice or thrice a day.

Doctors prescribe such maximum doses of vitamin C:

  1. Adults - single dose not more than 200 mg per day, per day not more than 500 mg.
  2. Children under six months - 30 mg per day, children from six months to a year - not more than 35 mg, children from 1 to three years - 40 mg, and children from 4 years and up to 10 - 45 mg. Children aged 11 to 14 years - 50 mg per day.

How to take ascorbic acid?

To get the most benefit, it is important to know how useful ascorbic acid is and how to drink ascorbic acid. For the prevention of diseases, vitamin C is consumed in winter and spring, when the body can not get enough of the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities. During the treatment of vitamin deficiency, adults are recommended to take 50 to 100 mg three to five times a day, and children should not take more than three times.

Use ascorbic is recommended for two weeks. Expectant children should take vitamin C after a doctor's consultation. To avoid getting used to the drug, it must be applied according to a special scheme. The first two weeks use a dosage of not more than 300 mg daily, which must be divided into two doses. After that, the dosage is reduced to 100 mg.

Ascorbic acid in cosmetology

Many modern women of fashion are interested in why ascorbic acid is needed in cosmetology. Experts in the field of beauty assure that vitamin-rich skin is much better at taking nutrients from various cosmetic products - lotions, creams, and still very well lends itself to the popular pilling procedure. However, you can get the maximum effect from the use of ascorbic acid, following the recommendations of specialists:

  1. An excellent effect is obtained by combining ascorbic acid with retinol, tocopherol.
  2. Useful are masks with ascorbic acid and fruits, vegetables. This combination is excellent as a remedy for wrinkles and pigment spots.
  3. You do not need to combine vitamin C and glucose. Otherwise, you can trigger allergies and rashes on the skin.
  4. In case the skin is injured, cosmetic procedures with ascorbic acid should be avoided.
  5. Do not apply cosmetic products to the skin around the eyes.
  6. Cosmetologists do not advise to combine the ingredients in a metal container, since during a touch with the metal, vitamin C can break down.
  7. Do not store ascorbic acid in refrigerators.
  8. Apply a mask or cream on your face in the evening.

Ascorbic acid for the face

All women who dream long time to remain beautiful and young, should know, how the ascorbic acid for a face skin is useful. Cosmetics with the addition of vitamin C should be applied to the cleansed skin. The simplest version of the use of ascorbic acid can be called the usual rubbing of the face moistened in liquid vitamin sponge. Do this procedure should be twice a week shortly before sleep before applying the night cream . An effective mask will be a mask with ascorbic acid for the face.

Mask with ascorbic acid and vitamin A.


Preparation and use

  1. In vitamin A, dilute crushed vitamin C tablets.
  2. When the liquid is not enough, add mineral water.
  3. In density, ideally, the mask resembles thick sour cream.
  4. The mask should be applied to the face and left for 20 or 30 minutes.
  5. After the time has elapsed, the product should be rinsed off with warm water.

Ascorbic acid for hair

Sometimes vitamin C is used to make beautiful and healthy curls. It is important to remember that ascorbic acid is not used in pure form. So for those prone to fatty hair, in addition to the vitamin, they add egg, cognac and honey to the mask, and kefir, burdock and castor oil should be added to such a cosmetic remedy for dry hair. It is also important to remember that ascorbic acid is able to wash off black paint, and therefore it is better to refuse to use its color if you want to keep your hair color.

Use ascorbic acid is not recommended for all who are allergic to it. Cosmetologists warn not to overdo it with the use of vitamin C, because with frequent and incorrect use it can overdry the curls. Masks with vitamin should be applied on barely damp and clean hair to allow the vitamin C to absorb well. Experts in the field of beauty do not advise after using the mask to dry hair with a hairdryer. Very effective is ascorbic acid for lightening hair.

Shampoo with ascorbic acid


Preparation and use

  1. Mix the powder in water until completely dissolved.
  2. Wet the cotton swab in the liquid.
  3. Apply liquid over the entire length of the hair.

Ascorbic acid for weight loss

Those who want to get a slender figure sometimes wonder whether ascorbic acid can help get rid of extra pounds. Experts say many advantages of a popular vitamin, but not a word about its ability to burn fat yourself. So ascorbic acid can be taken as a normal means to maintain health, immunity and improve health. However, vitamins can not eliminate the result of a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor and drink vitamin courses.

Ascorbic acid in bodybuilding

It is very useful ascorbic acid for athletes. With its help, immunity increases, it is easier to carry heavy intensive training and recovery after them. In addition, the vitamin has a beneficial effect on the formation of collagen, necessary for the growth and regeneration of tissue cells. Vitamin C is a strong stimulant for anabolic processes, which helps in better protein absorption and muscle mass growth. ascorbic acid increases the level of testosterone. In bodybuilding, vitamin C is consumed before exercise to protect muscle tissue and before drying the body.