Nutrition after exercise

"And, where did they get such actresses? Cute of course, but the skin and the bone, the model, in a word! No, a real woman should be able to demonstrate not only a beautifully performing skeleton! "Probably, many people came to mind such thoughts while watching the next Hollywood movie. And then, during the advertisement, they ran in front of the mirror, happily noting that we are different for the better from the actresses-thin. Only here tummy would be a little tighten, but folds from the waist to remove and any movie star 100 points can give.

And after these reflections, someone decides to become a regular visitor to the fitness club. But, as experts say, only physical exercises will not give the desired effect. It is also necessary to eat properly after exercise. It's not about that, in addition to physical exertion, you will also have to starve. No, there is after the training and you can and you need, and what and when, we'll figure it out together. But, even if you are the owner of the ideal figure, and going to the gym is only a source of good mood, you still should not forget about proper nutrition after training.

As you know, all sports exercises are divided into two large groups: power and aerobic. And just on the food after these types of training we will stop in detail.

Nutrition after weight training

So, if today you have a strength training, then in about an hour you need to eat three tablespoons of any porridge. If this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a glass of juice, better freshly squeezed or, for example, half a banana. But these products should be consumed half an hour before training. Nutrition after strength training in the first 20-60 minutes should be saturated with proteins. No carbohydrates, they are allowed only at the time of the main meal, which will come in 2-3 hours after going to the gym. It should be noted that the rules of nutrition after weight training for weight loss do not differ from the above, unless you are more pomperennee in portions. And in any case, do not neglect the food after training, otherwise the slimming will not get the proper effect, since they are likely to overeat at dinner. A seeker of tonus instead of a charge of vivacity will get very tired, and for the next training you have to drive yourself, almost kicks.

Eating after an aerobic workout

In the days of aerobic exercise, there are also eating rules before and after training. Slimming women with aging should refrain from food 2 hours before classes start. But if you do not want to lose weight or willpower is not at the proper level, then before training you can eat something rich in proteins. For example, a small piece of meat or fish, half a serving of cottage cheese. But after training, there is no need for an hour. Next, the nutrition after the aerobic exercise is built according to the following scheme. After an hour of starvation, you are entitled to a protein and a vegetable dish. For example, vegetable salad and yogurt. After this snack wait for two hours and can with a clear conscience eat foods rich in carbohydrates.

So how do you eat after exercise?

In general, there are a lot of variations on the topic of sports nutrition after training. It is not necessary to adhere to the above scheme. Especially if you have a goal to lose weight. In this case, choose your food option, the main thing is that thanks to him during and after the workout, you feel great. If you still want to lose weight, but there is no strength to stay for long without food, you can work out your own diet before and after your weight loss training. For example, it is not forbidden to eat food in small portions throughout the day. Just remember that before strength training your body needs complex carbohydrates, and then - in proteins. During aerobic exercise, the sequence of taking proteins and carbohydrates changes in places.

And, most importantly, if you decide to train, do not drop them in a couple of classes. The positive effect will be noticeable not immediately, but a little persistence and persistence, and while watching movies with stunning actresses you will only condescend to smile. After all, everyone understands who the real beauty!