Cucumbers - good and bad

A juicy fragrant cucumber is a welcome guest on our table all year round. Some do not consider this vegetable a full meal, because it is known that cucumbers are about 90% water. However, in addition to the liquid in them, there are various vitamins and minerals that make cucumbers very useful.

About the composition of cucumbers

  1. These vegetables are very rich in ascorbic acid. Eating them, you carry out the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and strengthen your immunity.
  2. Cucumbers contain various B vitamins. These compounds take part in many biochemical processes - regulate the production of red blood cells, control the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
  3. Also in the cucumber there are minerals, in particular potassium, which provides a clear work of the heart.
  4. Regularly using this vegetable, you will receive the necessary amount of iodine - an element that is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
  5. In the composition of cucumbers, tartronic acid is found. It is believed that this unique substance slows the processes of deposition of unused carbohydrates in the form of lipids. Thus, these vegetables will be very handy when fighting overweight.

Sometimes experts recommend to include them in the diet to people with cardiovascular disorders. Since cucumbers produce a diuretic and choleretic effect, they will be useful in diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder, but not during the period of exacerbation and only in fresh form. However, cucumbers are not only good, but also possible harm.

Harm to cucumbers

The benefits of vegetables, which appear on the shelves in early spring, remain questionable. Often unscrupulous producers fertilize them with nitrates. These compounds accumulate mainly skin, so it is better to cut off early cucumbers.

Do not abuse pickled or lightly salted cucumbers, that is, you should not eat them in the same quantities as fresh ones. Cooking salt and various spices - that's what salted cucumbers are rich in, both benefit and harm are possible. First, such cucumbers contain significantly less vitamins and minerals. Secondly, because of the high content of salt that holds back the liquid, these vegetables are not recommended for people with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease and kidney disorders. However, pickled cucumbers are not only a detriment to hypertensive patients, but also a benefit for those who suffer from reduced appetite, because this product helps to strengthen and improve digestion. In addition, pickled cucumbers gently cleanse the intestines, so they are worth eating for those who have encountered the problem of constipation.

Lightly salted cucumbers also benefit and harm the body. They contain fewer vitamins than fresh ones, for which the minerals remain practically in their entirety. Therefore, you can add to your diet light-salted cucumbers to those who do not have problems with the heart and kidneys, but there are problems with appetite. With caution to this product you need to treat people with gastritis or peptic ulcer.

In addition, some prefer to eat pickled cucumbers, the benefits from them, too, will be. This product is characterized by the presence of special enzymes, as well as a large amount of vitamin C, while the sodium chloride in them is usually less.

If you want to arrange a fasting day, then a couple of kilograms of fresh cucumbers are fine for this. Pickled, pickled or pickled cucumbers are best added to main dishes, and do not abuse them if there are diseases of the cardiovascular system, urinary system, liver and gall bladder disorders.