What is useful for raspberries for the body?

About how useful raspberries for the body can be composed of more than one ode, as it is not only very tasty, but also a useful berry. To be able to use it at any time, people prepare various jams, compotes, and berries are frozen and dried. Many use raspberries not only as a delicious berry, but as a means to lose weight.

Useful properties and harm of raspberries

Bear's berry, as they called raspberries, was appreciated back in ancient times. It was used in folk recipes, and today the beneficial properties of berries are recognized and official medicine. Almost everyone knows that raspberries are useful for colds. Tea with raspberry jam helps to reduce the temperature, thanks to the presence of salicylic acid.

The benefits of raspberries are invaluable in the treatment of anemia, hypertension and various problems with the intestines. With regular use improves digestion and stimulates the musculature of the intestine. It is proved that if you add berries to your diet you can get rid of excess weight without harm to health.

The use of fresh raspberries for weight loss is primarily the maintenance of enzymes that have the ability to burn fats. Due to the availability of fiber improves the activity of the digestive tract and cleanses the intestines of toxins and other decomposition products. Berries have a diuretic and choleretic effect, which means that you will get rid of excess fluid and salt. The amount of calories in raspberries is low, so there are 42 calories per 100 g.

For women, the benefits of raspberries are the presence of folic acid, which prepares the body and helps during pregnancy.

Useful substances are contained not only in berries, but in leaflets of plants. Interestingly, even after heat treatment they do not collapse. To stock up berries for the future they can be frozen or dried.

To make frozen raspberries useful for the body, it is necessary to use freshly harvested berries. In this case, their composition is practically unchanged. Defrosting raspberries is recommended at room temperature.

Now we need to talk about contraindications. It is not necessary to use berries in the presence of individual intolerance to the product, as well as to people with kidney problems, gout, ulcers, gastritis. Some people with a lot of berries may have a headache.