What is useful for wild strawberries?

You can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of forest strawberries. In addition to the fact that this berry has an amazing bright taste, it has important useful properties.

Is forest strawberry useful? Certainly. It contains substances such as fructose, glucose, organic acids: cinchona, apple, lemon and salicylic. Besides this, strawberries contain essential oils and aromatic substances. If you follow a diet, then know that strawberries are a dietary product. It also contains a lot of iron and calcium, ascorbic acid. The composition also includes vitamin C , folic acid, carotene and other vitamins. It is impossible not to mention micronutrients: manganese, copper, iron, cobalt - they help improve blood circulation. Strawberries also contain mineral salts - phosphorus, calcium and potassium. All this in combination has a positive effect on the human body.

By the way, dried strawberries also have useful properties. Take care of the preforms in advance: the berries should be whole and dry, dry them best on a wooden surface under a canopy. Such berries can be stored for up to two years in a glass jar or canvas bag.

What is useful for strawberries for humans?

Strawberries are useful for children high in it useful vitamins. It is by right a popular drug. It has all the necessary components, important for a growing organism.

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the useful properties of strawberries in more detail.

  1. For the cardiovascular system . Strawberry improves the heart and increases its endurance. If you suffer from atherosclerosis and hypertension, then eat fresh strawberries. They contribute to the elimination of toxins and cholesterol from the body. Infusion of berries and leaves of strawberries reduces blood pressure and intensifies heart contractions.
  2. For the endocrine and excretory system . Strawberries can reduce the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland. In addition, the berry improves kidney function and is an excellent diuretic. Strawberries fights diathesis, gout, inflammatory processes and cystitis. We recommend that you include strawberries in your diet, if you suffer from anemia, diabetes and if you have a metabolic disorder.
  3. For the gastrointestinal tract . Strawberries normalizes the activity of the intestines, and also improves digestion and promotes good appetite. Fiber, contained in strawberries, removes excess cholesterol from the body. If you suffer from inflammatory diseases of the stomach, ulcers, hemorrhoids , worms or frequent constipation, drink a strawberry broth. In gastritis and colic, it is recommended to eat berries.

Strawberries also possesses restorative and prophylactic properties. Eat fresh strawberries for this purpose. By the way, if you do this with milk, the benefits will increase doubly.

Strawberries are an amazing berry: besides its use, berries can be used for cosmetic purposes. In ancient times, freckles and pigmented spots were discarded with the help of an alcoholic tincture of strawberries. By the way, strawberries help to prolong the youth of your skin: it prevents the appearance of wrinkles and fights with the already appeared ones. Making masks from strawberries on a regular basis, you will notice that the skin of the face and neck becomes more elastic, smooth, elastic and taut. If you are concerned about bad breath, rinse your mouth with a strawberry broth after eating.