Can I drink milk at night?

Every now and then, from nowhere emerges and the question of whether it is possible to drink milk for the night is actively discussed. Usually it comes from the neophytes of a healthy lifestyle , which it seems that it is better to give up almost everything, and this will just be the most healthy. But is it?

Effects on weight loss

Ahead of the anti-dairy party are losing weight. They believe that milk, especially at night, contributes to a set of excess weight. This, indeed, may turn out to be true - provided that a person drinks a liter of milk for the night, by fatty approaching a good cream. Here, in fact, the result can be unimportant: swelling, many calories, fats, lactose, etc. But if one talks about milk unbiased for the night, then in normal quantities, its benefits and harm should still be considered from a different angle. In one glass of not too fatty milk, the benefits are greater than in a cup of tea with biscuits.

Influence on sleep

And on this issue, oddly enough, there are often disagreements. It would seem that everyone has known for a long time: milk with honey for the night is a benefit for those who have trouble sleeping. A warm sweetish drink contains tryptophan and gently removes tension, making sleep quick, and sleep more robust. For many people, warm milk for the night is the solution to the problem of insomnia .

But, as it usually happens, there are no rules without exception: there are people on whom warm milk influences as a diuretic, instead of a calm and healthy sleep it is necessary, often running around in need. By the way, honey for this effect is quite capable. So this question should be solved individually.

Should I drink milk at night?

There is another version that lactose contained in milk, they say, is not digested in adults. The question is controversial, many nutritionists believe that such a hypothesis does not correspond to reality. In any case, if someone does not do good from milk, then this person, indisputably, should not drink milk at night. There are, for example, unpleasant sensations in those people who have lowered the acidity of gastric juice. That is, the question of whether it is useful to drink milk at night does not have a universal solution, and everyone should find the answer to it, guided by their own state of health and their own preferences.