Dates - calories

Dates - unusually sweet and delicate fruits of African dwarf palm. They have long been famous not only for their taste qualities, but also for their increased nutritional value. In this article, we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how the dates are so useful and how they can be used in diets.

Caloric value of dates

In many Arab countries, dates are called nothing but "bread of the desert" and not for nothing, because these fruits are more than 65% of the carbohydrates alone, so necessary for our body for proper and full metabolism. 100 grams of dates with a bone have a total caloric value of more than 225 cal. And this means that only 250 grams of dried dates, a total caloric value of more than 500 calories eaten per day, will allow you to get the entire body of nutrients and vitamins, amino acids and sucrose. For athletes and people, whose profession is tightly connected with enormous physical exertion, these fruits are generally desirable to make an integral part of the daily diet. If you do not have special problems with being overweight , dates and all their calories will not only not harm a person, but will also restore all the functions of his body qualitatively.

The use of dates for general health

Dates in any form, both fresh and dried, are useful for people with weakened immunity, not only because of their calorie content. They successfully cope with the restoration of the body's defenses, which resist infections and colds. In particular, these fruits are recommended for strengthening:

The use of dates is prescribed at high mental and psychological loads. Also, scientists recently found that the substances contained in the dates effectively help in the fight against cancer, help to stop the development of virtually any benign and malignant tumors, and allow the body to recover quickly after any surgical operations. Dates are recognized as the most effective natural medical product for fighting almost all known to date diseases.

Dates in the diet for weight loss

Given the high level of calorie dates, their daily use is not particularly recommended for people prone to rapid weight gain. But, nevertheless, if you need to throw off a couple of extra pounds, they are ideal as a dietary product.

The fact that dates - it's not just calories, it's also a huge supply of potassium and magnesium, which contribute to the rapid and effective release of the body from excess fluid, thus eliminating edema and normalizing the overall weight.

Truth is, there is one nuance that must be taken into account, acquiring dates, which you will use in a diet for weight loss - the fruits must necessarily be fresh, not stuck together. Using dates in a diet for weight loss, do not forget about their caloric content - with a diet in the morning you can eat no more 50 grams of dates and drink them with unsweetened and not strong tea. This dose is enough for you to get enough energy for the whole day. In the evening, dine with light vegetable or fruit salad without dressing, without oil and without mayonnaise.

Another fairly effective recipe for weight loss with dates, there is a lemon-date infusion. It is prepared quite simply - 1 liter of cold water plus pulp 2-3 medium lemons, plus pulp 2-3 dried dates. All stir and put in the cold for three or four hours. It is recommended to drink one glass a day, in the morning before eating. Due to the fact that dates help to improve digestion and purification of the body, such infusion qualitatively saves you from unnecessary savings.