How to teach a child to pronounce the letter "p" at home - classes

During the first years of life, the child forms speech. It is normal that at first the kid does not pronounce all the sounds correctly. But to the first class children should have a clean pronunciation, since a good speech is one of the bases of successful learning and development. Therefore, parents should closely monitor their preschool-age babies, and if by 5-6 years the crumb does not pronounce a letter, then it is necessary to correct it. You can consult a speech therapist, but if this is not possible temporarily, then you should try to do the work yourself. Most often, children badly pronounce the letter "p". Some say it in certain words, while others generally miss it in their speech. Therefore, many mothers are interested in how to teach the child to speak the letter "p" at home. This will require desire, time and patience. Special exercises will help caring parents make their baby's speech clean and beautiful.

Tips and Tutorials how to teach a child to pronounce the letter "p" at home

Each mother can do certain exercises with her baby. They will help improve the language setting, as well as develop its mobility. This will have a positive effect on speech.

  1. "The horse." Let the kid touch the tongue to the upper palate and clink it, like a galloping horse. Anyone should like to portray this beautiful animal. Do this method should be about 20 times.
  2. "Bite your tongue." The child should smile and slightly bite the tip of the tongue. This should be repeated 10 times.
  3. "Turkey". It is necessary to offer the crest to depict an angry turkey. To do this, you should throw the tongue out of your mouth between your teeth and lips, while pronouncing sounds similar to "bl-bl." To get it right, you need to start at a slow pace, gradually accelerating.
  4. "Coachman". The child should say sounds similar to "TPD", as if he is trying to stop the horse. In this case, when pronouncing "p" lips must necessarily vibrate, and the sound itself will be deaf.
  5. "Woodpecker". Let the baby knock on the tongue behind the upper row of teeth. At the same time he should get the sound of "dd-d". The mouth should be widely opened.
  6. "Magpie". The child pronounces "trrrrrrrr" with the tongue raised to the alveoli (in dentistry - a dental hole, a depression in the jaw in which the root of the tooth is located). At first the exercise is done quietly, but then everything is louder and louder.
  7. "Brush your teeth." The kid smiles widely and spends his tongue on the inside of the upper teeth. The lower jaw is at this time without movement.
  8. Let the little one try to reach his nose with his tongue. It's fun and interesting. Mom can do this with the baby, which makes the activity even more interesting.

Regular execution of this articulatory gymnastics will help the child learn how to pronounce the letter "p", as with the speech therapist, and at home with his mother.

For greater effect, you need to add to the classroom activities such tasks that will be of interest to preschool children:

Seeking an answer to the question of how to teach a child to speak the letter "p" at home, parents should fully realize that the set of exercises is important, but there are other nuances. The kid should want to study. You can not force a child to perform tasks. It is best to beat every exercise with the interests of a crumb. One lesson should last approximately 15-20 minutes.