Baby nursery rhymes

With the birth of the first child, young parents still have much to learn. Of course, it is very important to feed the baby correctly and in time, to bed, dress, bathe, walk and so on, but it is even more important to learn to talk with the baby so that he knows and feels how much Mom and Dad love him.

Becoming a contact, both physical and psychological, with a newborn child is a rather lengthy and time-consuming process. Every young mother should make a lot of efforts to help the little creature adapt in a new world for him and, if possible, surround him with care.

Excellent helpers in establishing communication between mother and newborn baby will be children's nursery rhymes. These short verses should calm and distract the baby, and give him a sense of calm for many years.

What is the benefit of children's nursery rhymes?

The benefits of children's developing nursery rhymes today is evident not only for moms and grandmothers, but also for professional psychologists and teachers working with kids. That is why these poetic works of Russian folklore are increasingly found in methodical manuals for studying with boys and girls of nursing and preschool age.

If the mother or other adults read these poems to their child, recently born, they help reduce the time of adaptation of the crumbs to a minimum and allow him to quietly go to contact. During classes with children of 2-3 years old children's rhymes are used to improve physical development and motor skills, since in most cases the kids repeat the actions, which are mentioned in an amusing literary work.

In addition, all nursery rhymes contribute to the development of speech and logical thinking. In particular, when a toddler hears playing from the lips of his mother or grandmother, he learns to distinguish between the concepts "cheerful-sad", "loud-quiet" and so on, trying to separate sounds, determine rhythm and fluency of speech, and much more.

Next, we offer to your attention several interesting children's nursery rhymes, the texts of which are passed on from generation to generation.

Baby poteshki for charging with movements

To be charged with cheerfulness and positive for the whole day, the kid should start his morning with a gymnastics including light gymnastic exercises. Perform them best for rhythmic rhymes, for example:

Owl Owl

The owl-owl,

Big head,

On the stump he sits,

Head twists,

In all directions,

Yes, ka-ah-ah


(Hands up the child.)


Potyagunushki -


Across - the fat woman,

And in the legs - hodunushki,

And in the handles there are grasps,

And in the mouth - talk,

And in the head - a reason.


Here we are,

As if they were surprised.

And each other to the ground

In the belt bowed!

Bent over, straightened,

Bent over, straightened.

Below, below, do not be lazy,

Bow and smile.

(The charge should be done together with the child.) The starting position is feet shoulder-width apart, to recite the poem by doing the movements.)


We put our palm to the eyes,

We put our feet strong.

Turning to the right,

Let's look grandly.

And to the left it is necessary too

To look from under the palms.

And - to the right! And further

Through the left shoulder!

(The text of the nursery rhythm is accompanied by the movements of the adult and the child.)

If some elements of charging are performed on the fitball, you can read here this kind of poteshku:

Ai kachi, kachi, kachi!

Look: the bread, kalachi!

Look: the bread, kalachi!

With heat, with heat, out of the oven!

All the rouge is hot!

Fly here rooks

They picked up the kalachi

Aye kach, kach, kach!

And I'll give you kalach!

In the morning exercise, it also does not hurt to include finger games to develop motor skills, which can be accompanied by the following children's nursery rhymes:

This finger is small,

This finger is a weak one

This finger is a long one,

This finger is a strong one,

Well, it's a fat one,

And all together - a cam.


Once - of course, you're good,

Two - of course, you're handsome,

Three - of course, you're beautiful,

And four - you are happy,

Five - of course, you love,

With another pen, let's repeat!


This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is a grandfather,

This finger is Mom,

This finger is a daddy,

This finger is me,

That's my whole family.

Baby nursery rhymes when dressing

To change a small fidget, if it is soiled, or to dress before going out on the streets is extremely difficult. Toddlers turn in all directions and do not give to touch, and some just roll a real hysterics when my mother tries to pull on them blouse or panties. If you accompany your actions with funny and kind rhymes-poteshkami, baby quickly calms down and allows you to safely put on. Use the following works of Russian folklore:

To my baby

We will put on panties.

Repeat the words for me:

The leg - once, and the leg - two!

And now let's go for a walk,

We will play with the children.


We are on puffy little hands

We put on the shirt,

Repeat the words for me:

The handle is one, and the handle is two!

We fasten fasteners

On your clothes:

Pugs and buttons,

Different rivets.

Baby poteshki for washing and before bedtime

Many babies do not like to wash and wash. This process causes them a storm of negative emotions, however, just like lying in bed. That's why many young parents of the evening become a nightmare. Meanwhile, if you read amusing babies during swimming, you can not only prevent hysteria, but, conversely, cheer the baby, for example:

Warm water

Masha will wash her face,

Masha will wash her eyes,

To read fairy tales

Wash Masha hands,

To play toys.

Love water, Masha.

And you will make all of you more beautiful.


Vodicka, water,

Wash my face,

To glazonki glittered,

To the cheeks blush,

So that the rook laughs,

To bite the tooth!


The bunny began to wash.

It is visible on a visit he was going to.

I washed my mouth,

I washed my nose,

I washed my ear,

That's dry!

Since the evening bathing almost always flows smoothly into bedding, you can continue with the following nursery rhymes:

All day long Seryozhka played,

Thank you say, legs.

Thank you, say, pens.

Every day you are more obedient.

The legs of our Seryozhka are heard.


Little zainki

Wanted bainki,

Wanted bainki,

Because zainki.

We'll sleep a little,

We'll lie on the back.

We lie on the back

And quietly we'll take it.

Baby nursery rhyme for feeding

Often the task of feeding a small child becomes simply unbearable for parents. In this case, too, will be useful fun poteshki, with the help of which the little one will calm down and will not even notice how everything is boring:

Lyuli, Lyuli, Lyulenki,

Gulen flew in,

Guli began to speak:

"What do we need to feed Mashenka?"

One will say: "kashok,"

The other is "yummy",

The third will say - "milk,

And a ruddy pie. "


Porridge delicious smokes,

Lesha kasha is sitting down,

Very porridge is good,

I ate the porridge leisurely.

Spoonful for a spoon,

We ate a little.



A cat is a kitten,

Mouse - mouse

They call for dinner.

Ducks ate,

The cats ate,

The mice ate,

And you still are not?

Where's the spoon?

Eat on zdoritse!

Some moms and dads mistakenly believe that these short rhymes are suitable only for the smallest baby. In fact, this is far from the case, because children's plays are extremely useful for the development of speech, so they can and should be told to their child as long as possible.