23 week of pregnancy - what happens?

The most trouble-free time is the second trimester. The location of the fetus on the 23rd week of pregnancy does not prevent the young mother from actively moving and enjoying her condition. At this time, there are changes in the female body and in the development of the baby.

Child at the 23rd week of pregnancy

The size of the fetus at 23 weeks of gestation may be slightly different for each specific case, but the average reading is that the baby's body stretches and the length from the coccyx to the crown is already 20 cm. The weight is somewhat slower and now about 450 g, so much is one big eggplant. The structure of the body becomes more proportional and the child already resembles the newborn that we see after birth, but only while in miniature.

The wiggling of the fetus on the 23rd week of pregnancy already seems not just to touch the wings of the butterfly, as it was at the very beginning, but it is felt very intensely. Often, my mother can even determine what exactly is pushing her baby - a heel or elbow.

When a woman feels how the baby presses on the bottom and at the same time upstairs, it means that he unbends the legs and rests against them and the head in the uterus. Inside, there is still enough room for somersaults, than the child actively uses, and all the time when he is awake, my mother feels like the baby trains his muscular system.

Changes in the female body

And what happens to the mother at 23 weeks of pregnancy? Changes also occur, although outwardly they may not be too noticeable. Occasionally there are unpleasant sensations in the lower back, because the tummy is growing, which means that the load on the spine increases. If a woman has led an active lifestyle before then, then gradually it needs to be changed to a calmer one, because coordination of movements worsens and traumas are possible.

Already, women who are prone to varicose veins may have their first problems - they are due to the fact that the veins have weak walls due to the hormonal background. To help the tired legs and to not admit the big complications it is possible to systematically wear a compression jersey - pantyhose or a golf.

And, of course, you need regular unloading five-minute for the feet, preferably in the supine position, when the blood flows from the lower extremities and the edema decreases.

The uterus at 23 weeks of pregnancy has risen already by 3-4 cm above the navel, and accordingly the maternal tummy is clearly visible. For some, this is a matter of pride, and they wear tight clothing to show their condition, and someone is embarrassed, and vice versa, hides the life that has arisen under voluminous robes.

Approximately at 23-25 ​​weeks, many pregnant women from time to time there is a periodic stress of the uterus. But it's not quite like the usual tone. This is how training fights manifest themselves , which eventually become more frequent, but if they are painless and do not bring much discomfort, then it is normal - the body gradually prepare for childbirth.

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, the total weight of the mother is 6.5 kg. But again, these are average figures. Although if the body weight is above this value, it is desirable to observe weekly unloading days and eat only healthy food, completely abandoning fast food, fatty and sweet.

Nutrition at any stage of pregnancy plays an important role in the formation of the baby, and in action on the female body. Lack of basic building elements to the baby leads to a delay in its development, and the mother may suffer from anemia and weakness. And vice versa - overeating increases the likelihood of a large fetus and the development of diabetes, and for the mother is fraught with complicated birth and problems with postpartum recovery.