What can you do about a headache during pregnancy?

The question of directly what can be taken from a headache during a current pregnancy is of interest to many women waiting for the baby to appear. In view of the fact that the reception of most drugs is limited during the gestation period, before taking anything, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How can I relieve a headache during pregnancy?

It is necessary to say that often to get rid of this condition help certain kinds of activities that allows you to avoid taking medication.

So, some women manage to get rid of the headache lying in a dark, ventilated room, with complete silence, or go to bed.

However, to exclude the presence of this phenomenon, the lungs, massaging movements of the scalp with the pads of the fingers, help the pregnant women. At the same time, it is necessary to completely relax and exclude external irritating factors.

Also, doctors say that in some cases, the pain in the head can be relieved by applying a piece of ice to the temporal region, occiput or forehead.

According to the practical experience of women who became mothers, in the presence of a prolonged headache, herbal teas help: mint, melissa, chamomile, dog rose.

What of the drugs can be taken with a headache during pregnancy?

As already mentioned above, taking any medications should be coordinated with the doctor who is observing the pregnancy.

If you specifically say that you can drink during a headache during pregnancy, then first of all it is necessary to call paracetamol preparations - Efferalgan, Panadol. It should be borne in mind that the latter contains caffeine in its composition, therefore its use is advisable in those cases when headaches are associated with low blood pressure.

Speaking of what it is possible to treat a headache during pregnancy, it is worth saying, that such drugs as Aspirin and its derivatives (Citrapar, Ascophene, Citramone ) are contraindicated for use in the first trimester. This is due to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular malformations in the baby. The use of these drugs in later terms (3 trimester), can trigger the development of bleeding.

The use of analgin, as well as preparations containing it (Spazmalgon, Spazgan, Baralgin) should be limited, i.e. they can only be used once, so frequent administration can lead to pathological changes in the blood, which negatively affects the course of pregnancy and the general condition of the pregnant woman.