Colostrum before delivery

At many women at the end of pregnancy from the nipples begins to emit a thick, sticky liquid of yellowish color. Allocations from the breast before birth are nothing but colostrum, which the newborn will be fed in the first two days of life.

Why is colostrum secreted before delivery?

The allocation of colostrum from the breast of a future mother says that she is ready to meet her baby and give him his first indispensable meal. Colostrum is released in small amounts, but it contains a large number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and immunoglobulins in the dose that is necessary for a young person who has just appeared. The development and isolation of colostrum before childbirth is promoted by hormonal changes in the organism of the future mother: an increase in the level of oxytocin and prolactin. Many pregnant women begin to feel mild pain in the chest before giving birth. This is due to the fact that almost all pregnant women before the swelling of the chest, which can be accompanied by painful sensations.

How to develop a breast before delivery?

Breast before birth should be prepared for feeding the baby. If colostrum begins to give birth before delivery, it is very important to keep the breast clean so that microorganisms that lead to inflammation in the ducts of the breast do not get through the small holes on the nipple. For this, the mammary gland needs to be washed with baby soap twice a day. Massage of the breast before childbirth is carried out in order to improve lactation in the future, for this, with both hands stroking alternately the right and left chest in a direction from top to bottom. Also, a slight grinding of the nipples is done to make them coarser and less sensitive so that after the woman begins to breast-feed her baby, the nipple does not form cracks.

Another problem in the presence of which the breasts need to be cooked is the wrong one the shape of the nipples. Flat or retracted nipples make it difficult for the baby to breast-feed, so if a woman has such nipples, then she also needs a breast massage before giving birth. The technique of massage is to lightly squeeze the nipple with a large and index finger and carefully pull it out and scroll. You can change the shape of the nipples with the help of special correctors, which you can start wearing a month before the birth. In the old days, our mothers from the beginning of pregnancy put a hard natural cloth in the bra to prepare nipples for future feeding.