9 places where rituals are still practiced, leading modern society into horror!

In most developed countries, cannibalism is known from books or horror films, where cannibalism clearly fits into the format and is perceived as an attempt to intimidate the reader or viewer. It's hard to believe, but in the world there are countries in which cannibalism is still alive!

1. Nayhike Caves - Sigatoka, Fiji

There was a time when picturesque Fiji was called "Island of cannibals", since cannibalism was observed there everywhere. However, since the XIX century on the island there is only one known cannibalistic group living in the cave Nayhehe, away from the developed part of the island.

2. Papua New Guinea

In Western New Guinea, along the river Ndeiram Kabur, nearly 4,000 people of the Korowaya tribe continue to consume human flesh. The ritual takes place on a special occasion - because of revenge. Cannibals believe that Haghua ("sorcerer") kills members of the tribe for unknown reasons (in fact, this is due to infections, old age, unsuccessful hunting, etc.), so they must eat the victim's body to take revenge on the "sorcerer" .

3. Ganges River, India

The tribe of monks known as Agori believe that they can become more spiritually enlightened by absorbing the flesh of the deceased. Today there are about 20 members of this tribe, although at one time their number exceeded hundreds. The ritual includes the use of drinks from bowls made by hand from real human skulls. The monks themselves at this moment put on the burned remains of the dead over their usual clothes. It is worth noting that Agori eat the bodies of deceased people, i.e. they themselves do not kill for the sake of prey, so a simple tourist has nothing to worry about.

4. Democratic Republic of the Congo

According to Sinaphashi Makelo, who represented the Mbuti pygmies during the UN meeting at the indigenous peoples' forum in 2003, during the Second War of 1998-2002, the Congolese insurgents of the province of Ituri hunted Mbuti people as game, killing them and eating their flesh.

5. Liberia

Shortly after the first civil war in Liberia, members of the international organization Médecins Sans Frontières reported having cannibalism in the region. Hoping that Amnesty International will carry out further investigations, the doctors sent evidence, but the information was never made public. Secretary-General of Amnesty International Pierre Sane at the time said that "what they do with human organs is not part of our mandate or serious attention." There are still some disagreements on this issue. Many people argue that the evidence was specifically hidden and destroyed.

6. Cambodia

During the Khmer Rouge uprising of the 1970s, Cambodian troops were reportedly carved and eaten the hearts and liver of soldiers after the rebels were killed. Sometimes they brought meat for dinner. It is assumed that they ate human beings directly on the battlefield.

7. Nuku Hwa, French Polynesia

Nuku Heva is an incredibly beautiful island, but it is associated with the strange circumstances of the loss of a tourist named Stefan Ramin and his girlfriends. The story resembles the plot of the horror film. Stefan went on a traditional goat hunt with a guide, but soon disappeared. When the guide returned to Stefan's friend, informing her of the incident, the guide tried to grab the girl and tie her to the tree, but she managed to escape. Soon the remains of the guy were found near the fire, which supposedly belonged to the tribe of cannibals. The guilt of the guide could not be proved, but there are reasons to believe that he had to do with cannibals.

8. Rothenburg, Germany

German Arvin Mayves admitted that he often fantasized about the taste of human flesh. He was seriously tuned, so he sent a request through the Internet to the chat rooms for exotic meat in order to find someone who would voluntarily want to give his body for a round sum of money. Surprisingly, he managed to find a volunteer! 43-year-old Bernd Brandes agreed to the terms of the psychopath, and their meeting was recorded on video. The record clearly shows how two people eat Bernd's genitals, and afterwards Arvin pierces a long knife in the man's chest. Arvin Mayves was caught by the police, and since "cannibalism" is not prescribed in the laws of Germany, Arvin simply was simply accused of murder.

9. Miami, Florida

A homeless man named Ronald Poppo suffered terrible injuries after his face was partially eaten by the crazy Rudi Eugene. When the police arrived at the scene, the cannibal refused to stop eating the flesh of a man, so the policeman shot him to death. The man lost 70% of the face, but after numerous operations doctors still managed to save his life. Having lost his eyes, Ronald Poppo continues his ordinary life and does not lose faith in people, calling himself a happy man!

It's hard to believe that cannibalism cases from time to time appear in news bulletins. This frightens, but at the same time reminds us that each of us should be vigilant today.