Rivanol for hair removal

One of the most urgent problems of the modern girl is undesirable vegetation on the body and face. Despite the variety of methods for solving it, it is rather difficult to find a means to be effective enough and not too expensive. Rivanol for hair removal has been used for a long time, although initially this preparation was developed as an antiseptic for surgical manipulation.

Hair removal with Rivanol

The medicament described consists of boric acid and ethacridine lactate. The combination of these substances has a high antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity, and also inhibits the functioning of hair follicles. Due to this, the rod slowly grows, and the follicle gradually disintegrates.

The drug is available in various dosage forms, but hair removal Rivanol requires compliance with a certain concentration of the substance in question, so it is advisable to purchase the product in the form of a powder.

Rivanol solution for hair removal - instruction

Prepare the liquid is very simple. It is necessary to dissolve the preparation in water in such a way that 1% solution is obtained: add 10 g of powder to a liter bottle and shake well until the disappearance of visible particles and sediment.

Directly before applying Rivanol to get rid of excess hair, it is desirable to apply it on an inconspicuous part of the body (fold the elbow) and leave on the skin for 4-6 hours to find out if you have any allergic reactions to this remedy.

Use of the drug should be long and daily. Once a day, you need to moisten a lot of cotton swab with the prepared solution and carefully apply Rivanol on the area with excessive hair. It is not necessary to rub it, just simply lubricate the skin and wait until the liquid is completely absorbed.

The first results of application, as a rule, are noticeable after 7 days. Hair grows much slower, becomes lighter and more brittle, and some even fall out on their own. If you do not observe anything like this for 14 days, then the use of Rivanol should be discontinued, since the remedy does not suit you.

Among the benefits of medicine, many women note the following:

The only significant drawback of Rivanol can be considered the need for a long application of the solution and not too rapid appearance of the results of such a unique epilation.

It is worth noting that few women risked trying the remedy in the zone of deep bikini or on the labia. There is no evidence of safety of the drug when applied in these areas, so if you decide on such an experiment, at first consult with a gynecologist and dermatologist. Specialists will be able to answer unequivocally whether to use the solution and describe possible risks.

Rivanol - facial hair removal

Superfluous hairs above the upper lip or annoying sideburns can also be eliminated by means of the described preparation.

The concentration of the solution is exactly the same as for the application throughout the body. The main thing: be careful when treating the skin area under the tip of the nose, so that Rivanol does not fall on the lips. No negative consequences for the body, this will not entail, because the drug is used on the mucous membranes, and sometimes sometimes preoral, but it can be provoked to cause dryness and cracking of the lips.

The scheme of use is similar - the results appear only after 7-9 days.