Moist cough

Cough is a protective reaction of the body, which occurs in response to the action of various stimuli. Wet cough promotes the purification of the respiratory tract, the withdrawal of harmful substances together with mucus. In the treatment it is important not to oppress cough, but to facilitate its course.

Than to cure a wet cough?

Wet cough and is productive, helping the body cope with foreign bodies in the bronchi. But, despite this, leaving a wet cough without treatment should not be. To speed up the process of recovery and cope with the cough use the following methods:

  1. Medicamentous treatment, including the use of mucolytic drugs that promote the withdrawal of mucus.
  2. Folk recipes, which include herbal decoctions, warm milk with honey, jam from raspberries.

Tablets from wet cough

The main drugs in this case are mucolytic agents. They improve sputum evacuation and restore mucous membranes affected by bacterial activity. The following tablets are distinguished from wet cough:

  1. Ambroxol and Bromhexine. Stimulate serous cells of the mucosa, reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its withdrawal from the bronchi. Also, the drug activates the production of surfactant (lubrication of alveoli), which prevents adhesion and alveoli and their collapse. Also, these tablets from wet cough inhibit the breakdown of the surfactant, which makes it possible to use drugs to treat children under five years of age.
  2. Tablets ATSTS. Are one of the most used mucolytic remedies for wet cough, which effectively dilute sputum and facilitate the excretion of mucus from the bronchial ways.

How to make a dry cough wet?

The transition of dry cough to wet is a favorable sign, indicating the purification of the lungs of mucus, which is the ideal site for the spread of bacteria. First, it is necessary to include the use of expectorants in the form of syrups and potions. But it should be remembered that they are not recommended to drink five hours before bedtime, since the departure phlegm will interfere with sleep.

After that, you can start using home recipes: herbal teas, fruit drinks and compotes. In the absence of temperature, you can put mustard plasters and try warming tinctures.

The complex effect is possessed by phytocepts, which remove inflammation, warming and improving breathing. They include: