Useful properties and contraindications feijoa

Feijoa is a relatively new product on the shelves of our stores, and many still remain suspicious of him. This tropical fruit very quickly spoils in a ripe form, so collect and transport it unripe. We will consider the useful properties of feijoa and contraindications.

Calorie Feijoa

This fruit can sometimes be consumed in the framework of non-strict diets for weight loss, since its energy value is only 52 kcal per 100 g. Most of the calories are in fats and carbohydrates , so the fruit is best in the morning.

How to choose feijoa?

Hardly you can determine the quality of the fruit. Do not cut it, so contact the seller with such a request. If the pulp is white - then, before eating this fruit should be allowed to lie down, because it is not yet ripe, but it will do it pretty quickly. If the pulp is transparent - Feijoa is ready for use!

The brown color of the pulp indicates that the fruit has deteriorated, and it can not be eaten. Bought the fruit stored in the refrigerator, but remember - it does not lie for long.

The fruit of the feijoa

The composition of feijoa is impressive - it contains iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, potassium, sodium, zinc, calcium. But that's not all: it also has quite a few vitamins - C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and a rare B9 (folic acid, which is especially important for pregnant women). By the way, folic acid is one of the points of what feijoa is useful for women. In addition, a beautiful half of humanity can use feijoa for masks, which will help to give the skin tone and youth. However, this fruit is useful not only for ladies, but for people in general, thanks to its rich composition.

In this regard, there are a lot of points to what feijoa is useful:

Recently, scientists say that the use of feijoa is an excellent prevention of cancer, which is especially important for those who have cancer patients in the family.

Contraindications and harm to feijoa

However, the panacea does not exist: this fruit, although it has multilateral benefits organism, but not everyone is allowed to do it. Consider the list of contraindications:

If you do not have contraindications, you can safely use this exotic fruit - not only in its natural form, but also in the composition of different dishes.