40 days after death - how to remember and how to pray for the deceased?

After death, a person is commemorated on days 3, 9 and 40, and the last date is considered the most important, as the soul falls on the Court and its further destiny is decided. Many traditions are associated with this day, which people observe to help the deceased person on this crucial day.

What does 40 days after death mean?

The fortieth day of the commemoration of the deceased person is considered a certain facet that divides the earthly and eternal life. From a religious point of view, it is a more tragic date in comparison with physical death. 40 days after the funeral - a date that reminds people that the soul after the end of earthly life goes to his Heavenly Father. Wreaths can be considered an act of mercy.

Where is the soul of the deceased before 40 days?

Many people note that at first they feel the presence of a deceased person, which manifests itself as a smell, sighs, steps and so on. It is due to the fact that for forty days the spirit does not leave the place where it lived.

  1. The soul is free for the first three days and she remembers all her earthly life. It is believed that this time she is in places that are close. On the third day after death, it is necessary to hold a requiem.
  2. After that, we will meet with God, the saints and visit paradise. From this moment the first torment and fear begin, that due to the mistakes made, the entrance to heaven can be closed. All this lasts for six days, so on the ninth day a funeral service and a wake are held.
  3. At the next stage, trials begin, which are tests and obstacles. The soul on the 40th day after death will receive a decision where she can lead an eternal life in Paradise or Hell. During this period, there is a comparison of positive and negative actions.
  4. Finding out what is happening on day 40, it is worth mentioning about the coming of the most important stage - the Last Judgment, where the soul can no longer influence anything and takes into account only the lived life of the deceased.

How to pray for the deceased until 40 days?

Remembrance of deceased people is a duty of every believer. According to the church, praying for the first forty days after his death must be especially diligent. Prayer for 40 days for the wires of the soul can be pronounced in the church or at home. If a person chooses the second option, it is recommended that women tie a headscarf on their heads and light candles in front of the image of the Lord. Finding the rules 40 days after death and how to commemorate, it is worth noting that prayer during this period helps to gain faith in the soul and it is easier to cope with the loss of a loved one.

"Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. My heart's sorrow was quenched by the dead slave (the name of the deceased). With the loss of grievous to me to cope help, but grieve endure the strength. And take in the fortieth day the soul of the deceased (the name of the deceased) in the Kingdom of Heaven. And it shall be so now, ever, for ever and ever. Amen".

Can I remember before 40 days?

Life is unpredictable, and often there is no way to carry out the planned. Clergymen say that if it is not possible to commemorate the deceased on day 40, then it is not a tragedy or a sin, since it can be done in advance or even later. It is forbidden to carry the commemoration at the liturgy, requiem and the cemetery. Many more are interested in how to count 40 days from the date of death, so, the first day - directly the day of death, even if the death occurred late in the evening until midnight.

What is prepared for 40 days after death?

On this day, a funeral dinner is held, the purpose of which is to remember the deceased and pray for his repose. It is important to remember that food is not the main thing, so do not try to cook a chic menu with a lot of delicacies. A funeral dinner for 40 days, the menu of which must take into account the rules of Christianity, implies observance of several important principles:

  1. On the table should be kutya, which is prepared from millet or rice, and pancakes without filler. Each of these dishes has its own important sacred meaning, which helps to assess the frailty of being.
  2. For those who are interested in the topic - 40 days after death, how to remember, it is necessary to know about the ancient tradition of baking pies with different fillings.
  3. If the sorcerers do not fall on the post, the meat dishes are not prohibited, so you can serve cutlets, cabbage rolls, goulash to the side dish and so on.
  4. Different dishes from fish are allowed, and this can be the first and second dishes.
  5. On the table, you can put salads that include in the recipe the lean ingredients.
  6. Understanding the traditions 40 days after death and how to commemorate the deceased, it is worth mentioning that in many families it is customary to observe the tradition, to prepare for the memorial dinner the favorite dish of the deceased.
  7. As for desserts, it is best to make cheesecakes, patties, cookies, and candies are also allowed.

What is carried in the cemetery for 40 days?

According to tradition, in the days of commemoration, people go to the cemetery to bid farewell to a loved one. With a grave you need to take flowers, which must be a pair of quantities, and a candle. By these objects, the living can express their respect to the departed. You can not talk loudly at the grave, arrange snacks and even more so drink alcohol. Another important point concerning what is brought to the cemetery for 40 days - as a treat for the deceased you can take from the house a plate of kutya and leave it at the grave.

What is distributed for 40 days?

There are many traditions associated with memorial days. On the fortieth day it is customary to give out different treats to people so that they remember the deceased. In most cases, give cookies, sweets and pastries. Customs for 40 days after death reads that during the first forty days after death, it is necessary to distribute the things of the deceased person to people in need, asking to pray for his soul. This tradition is not described in the Bible and is a personal decision of everyone.

Requiem for 40 days - when to order?

On the fortieth day of the commemoration of the deceased, you must necessarily go to the temple, where you can pray and order a memorial service and sorokoust.

  1. The main thing is prayer, which is pronounced in the liturgy. During this, a bloodless sacrifice is made to the Lord.
  2. The seeing-off of the soul on the 40th day includes a requiem and a ritual before the special table, which is called the eve. On it leave gifts for needs of a temple and in memory to the dead. If the requiem is not put on the fallen day, then they conduct a litany about the deceased.
  3. Understanding the topic - 40 days after death, how to remember, it is necessary to say that it is important to order a sorokoust, which is held from the day of death and up to 40 days. When the allotted period is over, the sorokoust can be repeated one more time. You can order longer terms of commemoration.

40 days after death - traditions and rituals

In Russia, formed a huge number of customs, many of which have survived to this day. There are different signs that you can not do until 40 days, but it should be noted that many of them are fiction and the church does not confirm them. Among the well-known traditions we can distinguish the following:

  1. Since ancient times for 40 days, it is not recommended to carefully monitor your clothes and cut your hair, as this is considered a disrespect to the memory of the deceased.
  2. The table for a memorial dinner is served traditionally, but only do not use sharp cutlery, that is knives and forks. Spoons are placed back side up.
  3. The crumbs left on the table can not be swept off the table and thrown away, they are collected and taken to the grave. So the living inform the deceased that there was a wake.
  4. Many are interested in the topic - what is brought to the funeral for 40 days, and so there are no rules indicating such obligations, but it is not forbidden to take with them some own food, for example, pies or pancakes.
  5. At night it is customary to close the windows and doors tightly, and you can not cry, as this can draw the soul of the deceased.
  6. Many people on the table or nightstand leave a glass filled with vodka and covered with bread. If the liquid decreases, then her soul drinks. Many leave vodka on the grave, but this has nothing to do with Orthodox traditions.

Why can not you gnaw seeds for 40 days?

Over the years, different customs have been formed, related to the commemoration of deceased people and some of them seem strange to many. For example, there is a ban regarding the fact that you can not gnaw seeds for up to 40 days, since this can spoil the soul of a deceased person. There is one more explanation of this sign, according to which, those who break this prohibition will have a toothache for a long time. The third variant of the interpretation of superstition refers to the fact that by clicking the seeds you can attract evil spirits and devils.

Why do they spoon for 40 days?

Since ancient times, it has been customary to distribute spoons from the tree, which people ate at the memorial dinner. In the modern world, such cutlery is not used, so distribute ordinary spoons. The reason is that when a person uses such a device, he involuntarily remembers the deceased. There is another strange superstition, according to which the dishes used for 40 days should not be distributed. It is believed that she is a participant in the ritual of farewell and if a person takes her home, then bring on trouble and even death.

Signs for 40 days after death

There are many different superstitions associated with this date from the day of his death, and among them we distinguish the most famous:

  1. During this period it is forbidden to clean the house and turn off the light (you can leave a night light or a candle).
  2. It is not allowed to sleep during the allotted time on the place of the deceased.
  3. From the moment of death and up to 40 days it is necessary to close all reflecting surfaces in the house: mirrors, TV sets and so on. It is believed that they can affect the deceased and take with him a living person.
  4. Conducting a wake for 40 days after death, it is necessary at the table to allocate space for the deceased person, putting a plate and a glass for him, putting a piece of bread on top.
  5. A widow must wear a black handkerchief on her head for a specified period of time, if this is not done, then it is possible to call for spoilage.
  6. Every day a glass with water and a towel should be placed on the windowsill. This is important for the soul to wash.