Erythrocytes in urine during pregnancy - causes and treatment of hematuria

Erythrocytes are red blood cells that circulate in the blood serum. They transport oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body. However, in case of violations, red blood cells in the urine are also possible - in pregnancy, a threatening sign.

Hematuria classification

During pregnancy, the body of women is exposed to heavy loads, restructuring. Rapid and intensive development of the embryo, physiological processes is characterized by a volatile course. Because of this, erythrocytes often appear in the urine during pregnancy. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the following types of hematuria are distinguished:

Microhematuria is detected by microscopy of urine sediment, by a laboratory method. Visually urine retains its color. In macrohematuria, blood admixtures, erythrocytes in the urine, during pregnancy are determined visually. This phenomenon is always calculated by doctors as a sign of pathology. The main sources of blood in macrohematuria are:

There is also another classification of hematuria depending on the source of erythrocytes:

False hematuria

This type of disorder is said when the appearance of erythrocytes in the urine is due to causes not related to disorders and kidney diseases. In this case, the level of erythrocytes in urine remains within the normal range. Red color is given to it by other substances, not by blood cells. Often, urine can acquire a pink or reddish hue due to taking certain drugs or food. For example, eaten on the eve of a salad of beets can give urine the appropriate color.

True hematuria

The true hematuria is said when a high level of erythrocytes in the urine is fixed. With this variant of the disease, the blood cells undergo certain treatment in the renal tubules, after which they mix with the urine and come out. To determine the exact cause, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination of the patient. True hematuria is always associated with the pathology of the urinary system.

How correctly to hand over the analysis of urine at pregnancy?

To obtain an objective result of the examination and urine analysis during pregnancy reflected the true picture of what is happening, a woman needs to follow a number of rules when collecting a urine sample. Mandatory before the procedure is the toilet of the external genitalia. Collection of urine should be done only in the morning.

The process itself should be implemented as follows:

  1. After washing, the entrance to the vagina is covered with a hygienic tampon.
  2. For collection it is necessary to prepare a dry sterile container in advance, it is desirable to purchase a container for analysis in a pharmacy.
  3. Collect for the study of only the average portion of urine, after having peed 3-5 seconds into the toilet.
  4. The container is screwed tightly with a lid and transported to the laboratory for two hours.

Erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy - the norm

During the gestation of an infant, the body of a woman is subjected to a load. The kidneys begin to work in a strengthened mode, because of what filtration processes can be violated. In view of this, erythrocytes appear in the urine during the current pregnancy. Doctors admit a small presence of red blood cells in the sample. In this case, the norm of erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy is set at 1 unit in the field of view of the microscope (the lab worker fixes 1 cell).

Erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy are elevated

Hematuria is common in pregnant women. The main task of doctors in this case is to establish the exact location of the pathological process, the causes of hematuria. When a woman has a lot of erythrocytes in her urine during pregnancy, this method of diagnosis is used as a "three-shot test". It allows to identify the place of origin of red blood cells. Urine is collected in 3 containers. Depending on the portion in which red blood cells are detected, the doctor draws the appropriate conclusions:

Erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy - causes

The appearance in the secreted urine of red blood cells more often indicates the presence of inflammation or infection in the urogenital system. In such cases, the increase in erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy is accompanied by:

Diagnosis in such cases exposes only the doctor. Among the frequent disorders in which hematuria appears in pregnant women, the reasons for this disorder can be as follows:

Doctors warn that not only with diseases of the urinary system can there be hematuria - the causes can hide in common diseases, such as:

Erythrocytes in urine during pregnancy - treatment

Elevated erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy are grounds for a comprehensive examination of the future mother and the establishment of the cause. The complexity of therapy for such a violation is caused by the inadmissibility of using certain drugs during gestation. Treatment of diseases should be developed exclusively by a doctor after establishing the exact cause. Independent use of medication can negatively affect the health of the mother and the fetus. The detection of renal pathology requires hospitalization.

The choice of drugs is made, according to the cause of the appearance of erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy. If their presence is a consequence of internal bleeding, haemostatic drugs may be prescribed:

Therapy is carried out taking into account the severity of pathology and the duration of pregnancy. Doctors try to use a minimum of drugs in the first trimester, as this can adversely affect the fetal development of the fetus. When there are concrements in the ureter or urethra, antispasmodics are used:

If an independent output of the stone is difficult, use cystoscopy or surgical extraction at late stages. Kidney injury, accompanied by rupture of tissues, formation of hematomas, macrogematuria, urine coloring in bright red, require urgent surgical care. In such cases, the preservation of the life of a pregnant woman comes first. When combined hematuria with proteinuria may require the use of corticosteroids.