Cystitis in Pregnancy - Safe Drugs and 4 Best Recipes

Cystitis refers to frequent gynecological diseases. In most cases, the disease has an acute onset, so it is not problematic to diagnose it at an early stage. Particular attention deserves cystitis in pregnancy, affecting the process of bearing a baby.

Causes of Cystitis in Women

The causes of cystitis are so numerous that doctors often combine them into several groups. Classification in this case is carried out depending on the factor that triggered the pathology. In most cases, the development of the disease is associated with the structure of the female urethra (wide and short) and the proximity of the anal opening.

There are three ways of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder:

Among the factors that can provoke cystitis in pregnancy, doctors distinguish:

Can there be cystitis in pregnancy?

According to gynecologists, cystitis during pregnancy is a frequent occurrence. About 50% of women face the disease at the very beginning of the gestation period. There are several factors that cause cystitis in pregnancy:

  1. Weakening of immunity - the female organism is especially susceptible to the action of pathogenic microorganisms at the beginning of pregnancy.
  2. Changing the hormonal background - this phenomenon changes the composition of the vaginal microflora, accelerates the growth of opportunistic pathogens.
  3. Strengthening the load on the pelvic organs and the bladder - with the growth of the fetus, the size of the uterus increases, which presses on the bladder, causing stagnation and violation of the outflow of urine.

Can cystitis be a sign of pregnancy?

Many women consider cystitis as a sign of pregnancy, hurrying to conduct a test at the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. However, doctors do not confirm this fact, pointing to the lack of correlation and regularity. Cystitis in pregnant women is not found in 100% of cases, therefore, this disease can not be called a sign of gestation.

An integral process accompanying pregnancy is a change in the hormonal background, which provokes the development of cystitis. As a result of such changes, the vaginal environment changes from acidic to alkaline - favorable conditions for reproduction and development of pathogenic microorganisms. Penetrating from the vagina to the urethra and beyond, they cause inflammation of the bladder.

Cystitis in pregnancy - symptoms

Signs of cystitis in pregnant women do not differ from those recorded by women who do not bear a baby. However, often the symptoms are more severe. Among the main signs of cystitis, doctors call:

  1. Increase in acts of urination. When an infection gets into the bladder, the body tries to expel it. This causes an increase in urge to urinate with a simultaneous decrease in the volume of the portion.
  2. Soreness and burning sensation in the process of urination - more often occur at the end of the act.
  3. Change the color of urine. The disease is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder and ureters, as a result of which erythrocytes appear in the urine. With the inflammatory nature of cystitis, the presence of pus is noted.

Diagnosis of cystitis

To reveal a cystitis at pregnant women it is easy - in most cases they independently address to the doctor at occurrence of the first signs. Diagnostic studies, appointed by a specialist, are aimed at establishing the cause of the disease and the type of pathogen. Among the surveys conducted:

Cystitis in pregnancy - treatment

To determine how to treat cystitis in pregnancy, what drugs to prescribe, doctors establish the type of pathogen. With this disease, therapy is carried out in a complex and completely depends on:

After revealing cystitis in pregnant women, doctors prescribe the treatment individually. The basis of therapy is antibacterial drugs, which are mostly prohibited when carrying a child. Given this fact, the pregnant woman should always follow the doctor's prescriptions and his recommendations. Compliance with the dosage, the frequency of medication, the duration of the course of therapy excludes the development of complications of the gestation process.

What medications can I take for pregnant women with cystitis?

The medicine for cystitis for pregnant women is selected individually and only by the doctor conducting gestation. When carrying the baby, tetracyclines and sulfonamides are strictly forbidden to receive antibiotics. These drugs have a teratogenic effect - they negatively affect the processes of intrauterine development of the fetus, causing anomalies and pathologies.

Of a large number of drugs during pregnancy, doctors often use:

  1. Monural. The drug is characterized by local action on the inflammation focus, its components do not penetrate the placental barrier. It is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution that is taken orally. 99% of the components of the drug are excreted along with the urine. At the initial stages of the disease, the drug is used once. The drug helps cure cystitis during pregnancy in the early stages.
  2. Amoxiclav. Antibiotic of a wide spectrum of action which is applied and for treatment of a cystitis. It is used less often due to frequent side effects from the application. Use according to the doctor's prescription.
  3. Kanefron. Natural preparation on a plant basis. Has a pronounced diuretic effect and antimicrobial effect. Used as an additional drug in the complex therapy, relieving a woman of cystitis in pregnancy.

Cystitis - folk remedies

Herbs in cystitis in women in the position are an excellent tool to help cope with the cause of the disease and the symptomatology of the disorder. However, before using any traditional medicine recipe, you should consult your doctor. Among the effective means, it is necessary to distinguish the following.

Asparagus from cystitis


Preparation, application

  1. Roots are ground and poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 1 hour.
  3. Take 50 ml 4 times a day.

Oat grains


Preparation, application

  1. The grains are washed and poured with water.
  2. Put in a water bath, wait for the boil and boil until the volume is reduced by half.
  3. Add honey and continue to boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Take 1/3 cooked gruel 3 times a day.

Horsetail from cystitis


Preparation, application

  1. The grass is poured with boiling water, it is insisted for 2 hours.
  2. Take 50-70 ml of infusion to 4 times a day.

Rowan and cowberry from cystitis


Preparation, application

  1. The berries and leaves are mixed and poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 3 hours.
  3. Filter and take half the glass 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Treatment of cystitis in the first trimester of pregnancy

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women in the early stages is complicated by the inability to use antibacterial drugs. In most cases, therapy is aimed at removing the pathogen from the genitourinary system. Doctors recommend drinking more fluid. At the same time from the diet excluded products that irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, internal organs: sharp, salty, finished dishes. Often instillations are carried out - infusion of medicinal solutions directly into the bladder, which excludes systemic effects on the fetus.

Treatment of cystitis in the second trimester of pregnancy

Telling how to treat cystitis in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, doctors indicate the importance of antibacterial agents. Their selection is carried out in strict accordance with the established cause of the disease and the type of pathogen. Dosage is selected individually. To assess the effectiveness of the therapy, intermediate urine tests are performed. Treatment is stopped after the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of cystitis in the third trimester of pregnancy

Therapy of cystitis in late terms is characterized by a rapid achievement of the therapeutic effect. Answering a question of women concerning what is possible for pregnant women with cystitis, doctors indicate the possibility of using a wide range of antibiotics. To exclude infection of the fetus when a cystitis occurs shortly before the birth, doctors prescribe the sanation of the birth canal.

Cystitis in pregnancy - consequences

Having described in detail about how to treat cystitis during pregnancy, it should be noted that therapy is mandatory, otherwise negative consequences are possible. Possible complications are due to the development of the disease. So, cystitis in pregnant women in the early stages in the absence of treatment can cause a spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Among other consequences: