Is it possible to swing the press for pregnant women?

Press and pregnancy - these concepts will seem to many to be mutually exclusive. Especially, if on the way to the cherished pregnancy you have overcome many obstacles and difficulties. Here you are afraid of the superfluous movement to do, not that the press to swing .

But since the question arises as to whether it is possible to pump the press to pregnant women, then, probably, there are women who still figure in spite of everything. This is mostly true of sports girls who, before pregnancy, regularly practiced sports and shook the press.

Press during pregnancy in its classic sense, that is, lying on his back and with sharp movements, is unsafe even for athletes. Such exercises involve the risk of losing a child due to pressure on the uterus and call for its contractions. That is, if doing exercises in the usual regime, lying on your back and lifting the body sharply and with great amplitude, this will lead to the spread of pressure in the abdominal cavity to the uterus.

Of course, if the muscles of the press are trained, they will protect the uterus from similar swings, since they form a kind of corset. And yet it is better not to get involved in such an occupation, but rather to prefer special exercise programs designed specifically for pregnant women.

And what to say about those who only during pregnancy decided to start training. In this case, the muscles of the press, already susceptible to stretching during pregnancy growing by leaps and bounds, may simply not be ready for heavy loads. This can cause the tone of the uterus , that is, to provoke its tension. And such a phenomenon, as you know, does not bring anything good with itself.

Do I need to swing the press during pregnancy?

Ideally, even at the planning stage of the child, the woman should take care of herself, prepare the muscles of the press, so that they support the stomach, prevent stretching of the muscles and skin. But this does not always happen. And before you begin, consult your gynecologist.

Most likely, he will advise you a special set of exercises for the press and other parts of the body for pregnant women. Even better, if you attend special courses for pregnant women. There you will be under the supervision of an instructor. And the exercises that are performed there, are designed taking into account the use of all the muscles necessary for gestation and childbirth.

During training, you need to monitor your state of health, and when any uncomfortable phenomena appear, whether it is shortness of breath, pain, fatigue, you must immediately stop the activity and give yourself a rest. Remember that now the most important thing is not to improve the figure, but to take care of the condition of the baby and about the good condition of the muscles and ligaments for future births.