Genetic Analysis in Pregnancy - Results

In the event that a married couple wants to be completely confident in the birth of a healthy and full-fledged baby, it is worthwhile to take care of carrying out genetic tests during pregnancy. Of course, the optimal option will be its implementation at the stage of planning the conception and birth of the baby, but often, people find out that they will soon become parents, unexpectedly.

In what cases is it necessary to get the results of genetic tests during pregnancy?

If the future mother falls into a "risk group", then it is mandatory for her to have a checkup with a geneticist. Especially relevant is the delivery of a genetic analysis of blood during pregnancy in such cases as:

Do not neglect the analysis of genetics in pregnant women, if the future mother had to be ill with a strong viral or infectious disease.

Varieties of genetic analysis of pregnant women

The most commonly used methods for detecting genetic abnormalities are a biochemical study of blood analysis and ultrasound. If they showed the presence of any pathologies, the woman will need to carry out a whole list of examinations, such as: sampling and study of placenta particles and the fetal outer shell ( chorionic biopsy ), amniotic fluid research, cordocentesis and much more. But even all of them can not provide a complete picture, as each pregnancy is a unique and unique process.