The true node of the umbilical cord

In gynecology, this phenomenon is rare. According to observations of medical staff, the true node of the umbilical cord is observed in a maximum of 2% of pregnancies.

What is the true node on the umbilical cord?

The true knot on the umbilical cord is nothing more than a really tangled umbilical cord. The cause of this pathology is considered to be too active, strong and chaotic movements of the fetus at the initial stages. It can also happen when:

Danger of this diagnosis

When diagnosing a true node of the umbilical cord, an additional study is performed in the form of a dopplerometry session, which indicates whether the baby experiences oxygen starvation. It is in case of confirmation of this diagnosis that death in the womb may occur. The main danger of a true knot can manifest during delivery, when the activity of both the mother and the fetus is at the limit, the probability of its full tightening grows several times. As a result - the suffocation of the newborn. Often in the presence of a confirmed site, gynecologists recommend an emergency cesarean section.

The nodes on the umbilical cord are practically not susceptible to diagnosis. Only a method of dopleometry can accurately determine whether a given education takes place. In a place where a node is suspected, the blood flow will be directed in the opposite direction. Until now, there are no medications or other ways to solve this problem.

There is also a false node of the umbilical cord, not bringing with its appearance absolutely no threat to either the mother or the fetus. It is represented by twisted or extremely expanded vessels, the accumulation of varton jelly. On the monitor of the ultrasound apparatus it will look like growths on the umbilical cord.

False node does not require special attention from doctors. It is unique, it is strongly recommended to avoid excessive stretching of the umbilical cord in the process of delivery.