Drops from a cold in pregnancy

When a woman learns of pregnancy, her life changes dramatically. And this means not only a change in its social role, but also a serious hormonal and physiological restructuring of the body. Therefore, the immune system in this period is particularly vulnerable to attacks of various insidious viruses and bacteria. Seasonal diseases of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, accompanied by rhinitis, are not uncommon in expectant mothers. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider in detail what drops from the common cold during pregnancy are recommended by modern medicine.

How to quickly get rid of a cold in the period of bearing a baby?

If you expect a crumb, use medicine with great care, only after consulting with a therapist or gynecologist in order to avoid undesirable consequences for crumbs. Future mothers suffering from abundant discharge from the nose or its obstruction should pay attention to the following subspecies of drops from the common cold during pregnancy:

  1. Vasodilating drops. They are very popular, because in a few minutes they significantly facilitate nasal breathing, and the effect of their use can last up to twelve hours. However, the composition of these drugs include adrenaline components that affect the entire body, which is detrimental to the blood vessels of the placenta. And this can cause disturbances in blood flow and intrauterine nutrition of the fetus. Therefore, these drops from the cold in pregnancy are recommended to use only in the 3rd trimester, when the central nervous system and the baby's brain are fully formed. Among such drugs - Vibrocil, Tizin, Galazolin, Ximelin. They effectively eliminate puffiness, reduce secretion and are minimally absorbed into the general circulatory system of the pregnant woman's body. Try to drip these medications at least once a day and not longer than 2 days, and if possible do without them.
  2. Saline solutions. They are practically safe for pregnant women and perfectly moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose, but they do not save from nasal congestion, only by washing away the mucus, saturated with pathogenic flora. In the first trimester, a drop from a cold in pregnancy from this category is quite worth having in the home medicine chest. In the pharmacy of such medicines you can offer Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor. You can prepare a salt solution and with your own hand, dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a liter of fresh boiled water.
  3. Homeopathic and phytoplasm. These drops in the nose of pregnant women with a cold have a good immunomodulatory effect and have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, but with bacterial infections they should not be used. Among them are Pinosol, Euphorbium compositum, Pinovit, EDAS-131.
  4. Antibiotics in drops. Such drops from the common cold during pregnancy can be used not earlier than the 2nd trimester and by strict agreement with a doctor who develops a treatment regimen and prescribes a dosage. This group includes Bioparox, Polydex, Fuentine, Isofra. They are prescribed only with prolonged and complicated rhinitis, which has passed into sinusitis or sinusitis.