Irregular monthly

The menstrual cycle is a measure of women's health, and if there are failures, then this is an excuse to be on the alert. But what if the monthly irregular, this is also a signal for anxiety, or can such a monthly cycle be considered normal in some cases? To answer this question, you need to understand the cause of irregular monthly. Here with a list of possible reasons and start our conversation.

Causes of irregular monthly

The following factors can affect the malfunction of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Irregular monthly frequent phenomenon in adolescents, when the cycle is only being established. In most cases, it is not a sign of illness, in time everything will return to normal.
  2. Also, menstruation may be irregular after 40 years, when the body is preparing for menopause. And the cause of failure is hormonal restructuring.
  3. After birth, menstrual periods also often become irregular, this is considered a variant of the norm because of hormonal changes in the woman's body. And the cycle can be restored several months. But if after the delivery more than 3 months have passed and the months are still irregular, you need to see a doctor.
  4. One of the most common causes of such failures is stress. In this case, the hormone cortisol is produced, which affects the quality and quantity of menstruation.
  5. A sudden discharge or weight gain leads to changes in the hormonal background, which in turn leads to irregular monthly.
  6. Intensive exercise. In this case, the body does not have enough energy for normal menstruation.
  7. Reception of contraceptive pills. At the beginning of their intake the body needs to adjust to the dose of hormones that they contain. Also, a cycle failure can trigger the administration of drugs, especially antibiotics.
  8. Excessive consumption of alcohol, the liver is also involved in the process of regulating the menstrual cycle. And alcohol, as you know, destroys the liver.
  9. Gynecological diseases, for example, polycystic ovary or endometriosis.

How to get pregnant with irregular menstruation?

Some women experience, whether it is possible to become pregnant basically at irregular monthly? Of course, everything depends on the cause, which causes an irregular cycle. Serious diseases will affect the possibility of conception. Therefore, a visit to the gynecologist is compulsory, he will determine the cause and prescribe the treatment. You can help yourself and yourself. For example, determining the most favorable days for conception. With irregular monthly ovulation, the basal temperature measurement method will help, and you can also get ovulation tests at the pharmacy.

Treatment of irregular monthly folk remedies

Treatment of irregular monthly should appoint a doctor and use the recipes of traditional medicine can only be agreed with him the reception of broths and infusions. The most common tools are: