Trout with sauce

The most ordinary dinner can be made festive with the help of a luxurious dish, such as, for example, trout in a sauce. Tender, fatty and juicy meat of this representative salmon is perfectly combined with various types of cream filling stations, which we will talk about in this article.

Trout with caviar sauce

This dish is not a budget option, however, unlike many expensive dishes, it costs its money. Try it and you definitely will not regret it.


For sauce:


Cut the fillet into portions and put it on a greased baking sheet. On top, sprinkle the fish with dried fennel and white pepper, pour ½ lime juice and, if desired, a little salt. We put the bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Prepare the sauce. White wine mixed with cream and put on fire. We give the future sauce to thicken, to the consistency of low-fat sour cream, constantly stirring. In a barely warm (!) Sauce, add caviar and gently mix.

Trout in caviar sauce is served with rice or mashed potatoes.

Trout with garlic sauce

A cheaper but no less delicious option is a trout with garlic sauce. This is a convenient dish to cook on a pillow of potatoes, which, therefore, keeps you from the hassle of cooking-related side dishes.



Potatoes are cleaned, washed, cut and put on a greased baking sheet. Put the pieces of trout, salt, pepper on the potato cushion and pour it with olive oil. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

While the fish is baked in a saucepan, fry the pressed garlic clove in butter. As soon as we heard the garlic flavor - we take out the denticle and fall asleep in the sauté pan flour, lightly fry, add cream and spices, wait until the sauce thickens. We serve trout in garlic sauce along with potato slices, decorating with dill greens.