Caramel from sugar

Caramel love not only all the sweet tooth, but also those who regularly cook at home something delicious, as it is an excellent addition to any bake or light dessert . Therefore, we decided to tell in more detail how to make caramel from sugar at home.

Recipe for caramel from sugar



Before you prepare caramel from sugar, you need to choose a suitable pan: it should be with a thick bottom and preferably colorless, so that it is easier to observe the change in the color of caramel. Preheat the pan on low heat for a couple of minutes, pour the sugar into it and leave it for a while, so that it begins to melt.

When the sugar begins to become liquid around the edges, shake the pan and put it on the fire again. When about a quarter of the sugar is melted, mix the mass with a wooden spoon and leave it to languish over medium heat until it becomes the color of dark honey. After that, remove the pan from the fire, add water, but be careful while doing this. Caramel will begin to hiss and splatter. Thoroughly mix the mass, if necessary, again put on medium fire to melt the formed lumps. After that, caramel is ready for use.

Caramel from milk and sugar

In the next recipe, we will share with you how to cook caramel from sugar and milk.



In a saucepan, combine sugar and milk (or cream ) and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the mass becomes coffee-colored. After that, remove the pan from the plate, add oil, vanillin, mix thoroughly and use further for the purpose, for example, for making creamy sweets.