How to treat syphilis?

If we talk about whether it is possible to cure syphilis, then it can be confidently said that at present this disease is treated at all its stages.

The main thing is that the therapy should be chosen correctly, and the patient should comply with all the instructions of a specialist-venereologist. Naturally, in the early stages of treatment this disease is easier and faster. The therapy of the initial stage lasts 2 to 3 months, the later stages are treatable for 1.5 to 2 years.

Treatment regimen for syphilis

The basis for the treatment of syphilis in women, as well as in men, are antibacterial drugs: tetracycline, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, azitomycin.

The duration of administration of antibiotics, the daily dose and the frequency of drug intake are selected individually in each case.

Before starting to treat syphilis in women, the doctor should specify the types and number of antibodies present in the patient's body, which will later serve as indicators of the person's cure and the effectiveness of the therapy.

In addition to antibiotics, immunomodulating drugs are used to treat syphilis. This is necessary for the activation of the immune system, because antibacterial drugs - it's only an auxiliary weapon, the main load for the destruction of pale treponema is the human immunity.

If the course of syphilis is accompanied by other sexual infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and others), then antisyphilitic therapy is first conducted, and then concomitant infections are treated.

During therapy, the patient should not have sexual intercourse, as this increases the risk of infection of his partner and re-infection.

Immunity to pale treponema in the human body is not produced, so even after the cure of syphilis you can get sick again.

Everyone who is sick should understand that syphilis treatment is impossible at home, it requires the help of a qualified specialist.

Treatment of syphilis

After the treatment of syphilis, the degree is diagnosed on the basis of:

Prevention of syphilis

In order not to encounter the problem of treating syphilis, it is necessary to follow simple rules of prevention.