Colpitis - symptoms and treatment in women, best methods of treatment of all types of disease

When you feel discomfort and drawing pain in the abdomen, most girls complain of "chilled appendages." The true cause of such symptoms may be colpitis. In medicine, this pathology is also called vaginitis, it refers to the most common gynecological diseases.

Colpit - what is it with women?

Vaginal flora mainly consists of Dodderlein sticks. They create an acidic environment that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes. If the Doderlein rods are small, a deficiency of lactic acid occurs and the environment becomes favorable for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and inflammation (vaginitis). Women are important to know in detail about colpitis in gynecology - what it is, and what symptoms are accompanied. Timely detection and therapy of pathology helps to prevent its dangerous consequences.

Acute colpitis

The considered form of the disease is characterized by a strong inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina. It is necessary at once to find out, why the acute colpitis has begun - that it provoked, is of decisive importance at drawing up of a therapeutic course. This type of pathology is accompanied by a pronounced and rapidly progressing clinic, so it is easy to diagnose it.

It is advisable immediately to start therapy with suspicions of colpitis - symptoms and treatment in women is easier when the disease has not yet become complicated. The earlier the vaginitis is revealed, the lower the probability of spread of inflammation in the urinary system and the occurrence of dangerous consequences, the transition of the acute stage into a slow-moving form of the pathological process.

Chronic Colpitis

If therapy has not been started in a timely manner, the signs of the disease gradually subside and become almost invisible. So often there is chronic candida colpitis with relapses on the eve of menstruation or ovulation. Symptoms of sluggish vaginitis may be completely absent, because of which its diagnosis occurs already in the late stages of pathology.

Colpitis in pregnancy

For future mothers, vaginitis is a particular danger. This disease can spread ascending way, so colpitis in pregnant women can cause infection of amniotic fluid, lead to miscarriages and complications during childbirth. The lack of therapy and the progression of pathology often adversely affect the development of the child. In such situations it is important to immediately stop colpitis - the symptoms and treatment in women waiting for the baby is easier in the early stages of vaginitis. Therapy is carried out mainly by natural or folk remedies.

Colpitis - causes of women

The main pathogens of the described disease are pathogenic microorganisms:

Less commonly, non-infectious factors provoke colpitis - causes not related to bacteria, viruses and fungi:

Trichomonas colpitis

This form of the disease belongs to a group of specific vaginitis (caused by infections that are transmitted sexually). Trichomonas colpitis in women develops due to penetration into the mucous membranes of the vagina of the simplest pathogenic microorganisms of the class flagellum. They masquerade as normal tissues, so the immune system does not respond to their presence immediately.

An experienced gynecologist can easily diagnose this colpitis - the symptoms and treatment in women are carefully worked out, especially when identifying the disease in the acute stage. If you ignore the characteristic signs of trichomonas vaginitis, after 10-15 days, it will pass into the chronic form of the flow. Clinical symptoms of a slow type of pathology are weak or absent.

Candida colpitis

The causative agent of this type of vaginitis is Candida fungi. They can actively multiply both after a long antibiotic course of therapy, and against a background of venereal infections. Yeast colpitis is prone to rapid spread to the urinary system. If you do not treat fungal vaginitis, it is complicated by inflammation of the kidneys. Concurrently, the bladder is affected and the outflow pathways.

Atrophic colpitis

This type of disease is diagnosed in women during menopause. It develops against the background of a deficiency of sex hormones, which ensure normal nutrition of the mucous membranes of the vagina. Age colpitis is an inflammatory process due to atrophy or desiccation of cells. It is heavier by the addition of infectious agents in the form of opportunistic bacteria living on the surface of the epithelium.

Gynecologists quickly eliminate such colpitis - symptoms and treatment in women are well known, with every vaginitis presented, every second patient after 40 years. Therapy of this disease takes no more than a week, relapse of the inflammatory process in most cases does not occur. With a correct hormone replacement course of treatment, the flora on the mucous membranes of the vagina is restored.

Nonspecific colpitis

The considered form of the disease has an infectious, but not a venereal nature. It develops due to a violation of trophic tissue of the vagina, which can provoke general or local factors, with simultaneous attachment of bacterial inflammation. It is caused by opportunistic microorganisms living in the vagina (streptococci, staphylococcus and others). Nonspecific colpitis - causes:

Colpitis - diagnostics

To reveal the presented pathology it is possible at standard gynecological survey. Deep, chronic and senile colpitis helps to diagnose colposcopy. To clarify the nature, cause and severity of inflammation, the expert appoints additional studies:

Colpitis - symptoms in women

Signs of the described disease are pronounced only in the acute form of vaginitis. The clinical picture still depends on the factors that provoked colpitis - the symptoms and treatment in women correspond to the causes of the inflammatory process. The acute stage of pathology is accompanied by the following phenomena:

It is more difficult to detect chronic colpitis - symptoms with a slow-burning form of the disease are weak or completely absent. The listed clinical signs can arise in the moments of relapses of vaginitis for a short time. The most stable clinical manifestation of pathology is itching. It does not disappear even against a background of chronic inflammatory process.

Colpitis - treatment

The therapy of the condition in question depends on several circumstances:

How to treat colpitis, a qualified gynecologist should decide on the basis of the results of instrumental and laboratory studies. The standard therapy scheme involves the use of:

Treatment of colpitis in women - drugs

Selection of medicines is carried out in accordance with the causative agent of the inflammatory process. If pathology was provoked by bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed, to which the maximum sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms is detected:

Antifungal agents are necessary if yeast colpitis is diagnosed: treatment is an antimycotic group. These include:

In the case of viral origin of vaginitis, the gynecologist prescribes anti-herpetic medications:

These funds can be prescribed in other dosage forms for topical application or administration (ointments, creams, solutions). In parallel, it is necessary to prevent complications that can provoke colpitis - symptoms and effective treatment in women includes additional drugs that provide strengthening of the immune system, stabilization of the endocrine balance, normalization of microflora and protection of liver cells:

Of great importance in colpitis therapy is sanation. The external genitalia and vagina inside should be regularly treated with antiseptic solutions (douche, dabble):

Candles of colpitis

Vaginal tablets and suppositories help to locally disinfect the mucous membranes of the vagina and promote the normalization of microflora, restore the acidic environment. They greatly facilitate colpitis - treatment in women involves the introduction of the following drugs:

Treatment Colpitis folk remedies

Alternative methods of therapy with vaginitis are used as additional measures to stop inflammation. Before applying them, it is important to ask the gynecologist how to treat colpitis in women safely and what recipes the doctor recommends. Independent selection of natural preparations is fraught with exacerbation of the pathological process and its spread to the kidney and urinary system, the development of complications.

With the help of alternative drugs, colpitis can not be completely eliminated - the symptoms progress, and the popular treatment in women does not produce the expected therapeutic effect. Such drugs should be used only locally and in parallel with the pharmacological medicines that the specialist appointed. Otherwise, the vaginitis will pass into a chronic form.

Antiseptic solution


Preparation, use:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Add to it vegetable raw materials.
  3. Boil chamomile and marigold for 15 minutes.
  4. Cover the container, let the broth cool.
  5. Strain the liquid.
  6. Use a means for washing and syringing.

Anti-inflammatory solution


Preparation, use:

  1. Rinse, grind the herbs.
  2. Pour the raw material with boiling water and cover with a lid.
  3. Insist medication 1 hour.
  4. Strain agent.
  5. Use a solution for syringing and soaking.

What is the risk of colpitis?

With improper treatment or its absence, the inflammatory process quickly progresses and spreads. The frequent consequences of colpitis: