Treatment of polyps of the uterus with folk remedies

Polyps in the uterus - a neoplasm of benign nature, developing on the surface of the endometrium, lining the inner walls of the uterus.

For the treatment of cervical polyps in addition to traditional methods of treatment are used and folk. But at the same time, a woman should realize that only the use of traditional medicine is not enough. This type of therapy should be used only after appropriate consultation with a gynecologist and as an addition to the main treatment. So, directly about the methods of folk treatment of polyps of the uterus.

Folk recipes

Onion and curd tampons

In the oven, you need to bake a whole bulb. Pre-clean, grind it in a blender. The resulting mass must be put on a bandage, wrap it in the form of a tampon and insert it into the vagina as deeply as possible for the whole day.

For the introduction at night, it is necessary to make a tampon from gruel from a fresh onion and grated soap (1: 1).

The same tampon should be put on the second day - 2 times.

A night swab for the treatment of uterine polyps should consist of fresh cottage cheese, honey, and chopped leaf. The next day, a tampon is placed in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.

Tampons of garlic

From one large clove of garlic cook the mashed potatoes and, having folded into gauze, make a swab, attaching to it a long string. Tampon for one month every day you need to enter the vagina.

Tincture of celandine

In a 1-liter jar, add fresh celandine grass and pour boiling water, insist for several hours, covering the jar with a blanket. Tincture is taken for several weeks, starting with a few drops and gradually increasing the dosage.

Nettle, cowberry and wild rose

Four teaspoons of cranberry leaves are mixed with six teaspoons of nettle leaves and the same amount of rose hips. The mixture must first be ground. Four tablespoons of the mixture are brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and covered with a lid for infusion (4 hours). This infusion should drink one glass 2 times a day.

Dandelion with burdock

Herbs are taken in equal quantities. One tablespoon of a mixture of herbs is poured into half a liter of boiling water and languished in a water bath for 30 minutes. After cooling, the infusion is filtered.

The drug should be drunk one sip to drink a glass a day. The therapy lasts two months.