Cystocele - symptoms

Some women after the birth or during menopause complain of discomfort in the vagina and urinary incontinence. Often they diagnose cystocele . What is it? This is a condition in which the bladder sags and protrudes into the vagina.

With a mild form, you can diagnose cystocele on ultrasound. And in more severe cases, you can even see the bladder in the lumen of the vagina. What are the reasons for this?

In a healthy woman, the bladder is held by the muscles of the pelvic floor. As a result of difficult births, surgeries, hormonal changes or heavy physical work, the ligaments relax, and intra-abdominal pressure pushes the bladder out through the vaginal wall. Most often this occurs after repeated births with breaks, frequent constipation, heavy lifting or overweight. Sprain can also be stretched during menopause.

Symptoms of cystocele

Cystocele has such symptoms:

With a mild form of the disease and cystocele of degree 2, it is possible to cope with it with the help of special Kegel exercises that strengthen the muscles that hold the bladder. Physiotherapy and hormone therapy are also prescribed.

With cystocele of grade 3 and more severe forms, only surgical treatment is indicated. Because if you ignore the symptoms of cystocele, it can lead to inflammation of the bladder.