When to take estradiol?

If a woman has a failure in hormone production - their level is elevated or lowered relative to normal, symptoms appear that prevent her from living. The woman becomes irritable, falls into depression, health problems begin, the menstrual cycle is lost, and also it is fraught with infertility problems. To study the hormonal background, you need to pass tests for hormones, for this you need to get a doctor's advice and get a referral to the laboratory.

If there are problems with reduced or elevated estradiol, you need to check with your doctor when you take the test. Estradiol is considered the most female hormone, it is he who makes a woman feminine. It is due to its production in the ovaries and adrenal glands that a female-type system is formed, female secondary sexual characteristics are formed, and psycho-emotional and psychophysiological sexual behavior develops.

When to test for estradiol?

To analyze the blood for estradiol was the most revealing, it is necessary to clarify with the doctor on what day to take estradiol and at what time in relation to the menstrual cycle. To give blood to estradiol, some doctors recommend choosing 3-5 days of the cycle, if necessary, you can repeat for 20 - 21 days. But in laboratories it is recommended to donate blood throughout the cycle. When you donate blood to estradiol, two days before the delivery of the biomaterial - blood, you must refrain from smoking, exercise and alcohol. Because of these factors, the level of estradiol in the body may decrease. Blood must be taken on empty stomach. The result is usually ready within 24 hours.

Estradiol hormone - when do you want to take it?

The blood test for the level of estradiol is prescribed when:

It is necessary to be guided by the generally accepted norms of the content of estradiol in the body of women and men. So, the norm of estradiol in the male body is from 11.6 pg / ml to 41.2 pg / ml.

In women, it is distributed as follows:

Each woman should monitor her health and make timely contact with a doctor, remember that preventive examinations sometimes save lives. Be healthy!