How to cook green coffee?

Green coffee is not fried, raw coffee beans, and not a special type of coffee. According to the content of antioxidants, green coffee is one of the champions among other products, it outstrips even red wine, olive oil and green tea .

Unlike roasted coffee beans, green coffee contains much less caffeine, but twice as many amino acids. In addition, raw grains contain chlorogenic acid, which is destroyed when roasting grains. This acid has a unique property to break down fats.

Natural green slimming coffee

Green coffee blocks the absorption of fats and glucose in the intestines, which leads to weight loss, lowering blood sugar. Also green coffee dulls hunger, reducing appetite. Some nutritionists argue that regular use of green coffee in a diet helps to accelerate weight loss, and also prevents its recruitment again.

Using green coffee

The use of green coffee is quite diverse. From it they make not only a drink, but also oil, extracts and extracts for the production of dietary supplements and medicines. Green coffee is also widely used in cosmetology, as part of anti-cellulite creams and scrubs, because of the caffeine content and other active ingredients. Due to the fact that the oil from green beans retains all micro and macro elements, vitamins and amino acids contained in grains, it is also a part of moisturizing and regenerating creams.

Ways of preparing green coffee

It is not difficult to prepare a drink from green coffee. This requires ground green coffee and hot water. The degree of grinding of grains depends on the technology of preparation. It can be cooked in an ordinary Turkish coffee maker, frenchpress, geyser, drip or compression coffee machine. The average grinding of grains is suitable for coffee makers, coarse for frenchpress, and fine will be ideal for the Turks.

If you use a Turk for coffee, pour 2-3 teaspoons of ground coffee with a glass of water and put on medium heat. Remember that priceless for weight loss chlorogenic acid is destroyed by strong and long heating, so in no case bring it to a boil. For frenchchpress do not use boiling water, pour the coffee just hot water and let it brew in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. Coffee makers prepare coffee fast enough to preserve chlorogenic acid, so just follow the instructions for making coffee for your coffee machine model.

Drink from green coffee has a specific bitter-tart taste, quite different from the usual black coffee. It should be eaten 15 minutes before meals.

Green coffee, although it contains much less caffeine than black coffee, should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating women, heart disease, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis and thyroid disease.