Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio

Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio are some of the best Hollywood actors. It turns out that there is much in common between them.

Are Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio so alike?

Matt and Leonardo many compare with each other, and the reasons for this are many:

The general film of Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio

Both Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio often play big, serious roles. They also performed flawlessly in the film "The Departed". This picture was filmed by the notorious Martin Scorese, she is a remake of the criminal thriller "Double Castling".

Matt Damon appears in the film as an Irish mafia named Colin Sean Sullivan, who is being introduced to the police. Leonardo DiCaprio, in the film - William Matthew Costigan, plays the role of an Irish policeman, who, on the contrary, must enter the location of the members of the criminal group.

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Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio are not friends, but they communicate as needed. They not only worked peacefully and fruitfully for a long time on one set, they also took part in a television interview dedicated to "The Departed". Soon, the actors, for sure, will meet at the Oscar ceremony. They claim to win in one nomination, so it is still unclear how their relations will develop in the future.