Prayer for good luck

Before responsible events many people have high hopes for success . To give yourself confidence and strength in certain situations, you can use prayer for good luck. There are many options, some of which we will offer in this article.

Prayers and conspiracies for luck

Prayers are very popular, in which they appeal to the Guardian Angel. People ask for the help and indulgence of the Higher Powers in various situations. To achieve the desired, it is important to clearly express your desires and thoughts, in this case the information in the "Cosmos" comes more clearly. Before you read a prayer, you need to mentally form what exactly you need and what help you expect.

A strong prayer for good luck sounds like this:

"An angel of God, keep that holy one,

to keep me from the Lord from heaven to me given,

I beg you, I pray thee, keep, enlighten, and save from all evil,

for a good deed, instruct, and let me guide you. Amen!"

Regularly repeat these words when you want to get help from the Higher Powers.

Another prayer for wealth and luck is directed to Nicholas the Wonder-worker. To this saint people seek help for a long time. For this it is necessary to come to church, stand in front of the face of Nicholas the Wonder-worker and say such a prayer:

"O Most Holy Nicholas, an admirer of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrows a speedy assistant! Through prayers, sinful and dull, in the present semen, pray to the Lord God to grant me all the remission of all my sins that have been sinned from my youth in all my life, in deed, in a word, by thought and by all my senses; and at the end of my soul, help me, the wretched, pray to the Lord God, all the creatures of the Savior, to save me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, but always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful representation, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!"

Address the saint at any time you need.

Prayer for happiness and good luck

To get help before starting any business, you can read a prayer . It is important that the desire came from the heart and was sincere. For help in work and business, say this prayer:

"Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth,

Whoever is everywhere, and all fulfilling, The treasure of the good and the life of the Giver,

Come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth,

and save, Blessed, our souls.

Bless, Lord,

and help me, a sinner,

to accomplish the work that I have begun, to your glory.

Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the only begotten of Your Father,

Thou art answering thyself with the most pure of thy mouth,

as if you can not do without Men.

My Lord, Lord,

By faith the volume is in my soul and my heart is spoken,

I fall in your goodness:

help, sinner, this is the work that I started, about You,

in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

the prayers of the Mother of God and all your saints.


Another prayer for good luck in business will help achieve what you want with the help of the Higher Powers. Read at any time, when you do not have enough support.

"Thank You, God, for Your Spirit in me, which gives me success, and blesses my life. God, You are the source of my life of abundance. I completely trust in You, knowing that You will always guide me and multiply my blessings.

Thank you, God, for Your wisdom, which fills me with brilliant ideas and Your blessed omnipresence, which provides generous fulfillment of all needs. My life is enriched in everything.

You are my source, dear God, and in You all needs are met.

Thank you for your rich perfection, which blesses me and my neighbors.

God, Your love fills my heart and attracts all the good. Thanks to Your infinite nature, I live in prosperity. Amen!"