How to determine the type of facial skin?

In cosmetology and dermatology, special attention is paid to determining the type of facial skin. There are several simple ways to know the type of facial skin that are suitable for cosmetic purposes and such tests can easily be done at home. Also, dermatologists have developed special methods, how to recognize the type of facial skin for medicinal purposes, and the classification of types in such cases is much more diverse. Such complex tests are conducted by specialists and are necessary to identify a possible outcome of treatment by the prescribed method. But for proper care, and the selection of cosmetics, simple tests to determine the type of facial skin are sufficient.

The simplest method, how to determine the type of facial skin, is a test using tissue paper. At night, you should wash and before using the test do not use cosmetics. In the morning, you need to rinse the skin with warm water as well without using cosmetics, and after three hours you can start the test. Pieces of paper are applied to the forehead, cheeks, chin, and the area around the wings of the nose. The paper should be pressed lightly and held for about 15 seconds. Then, following the tracks on the paper, you can determine the skin type. In normal skin, the traces will be moderate and uniform. With dry skin - hardly noticeable, and with oily - very intense. With combined skin, the traces will be more pronounced in the fatty areas of the skin, and moderate in areas with dry skin.

Determining the type of facial skin in this way is suitable for choosing cosmetic preparations in the absence of significant problems. If intensive and careful care is required, it is more effective to use the following test to determine the type of facial skin that will help to identify additional skin features. To perform it, you will also need to wash and not apply cosmetic products at night. In the morning, you should take a mirror, a spoon and a tissue paper. The fat content of the skin is determined using paper, as well as in the first test. Next, check the saturation of the skin with moisture. To do this, you need to lightly clamp the skin area under the eyelid, and forming a pleat release. If the trail passes quickly, then there is no cause for concern, and if it lasts more than three minutes, the skin needs intensive moistening. The next step is to test the sensitivity of the skin. The handle of the spoon should be pressed on the skin in the cheek and forehead. The more red the traces of redness and the longer they last, the more sensitive the skin.

Determine the type of skin and the corresponding care tactics can also be in appearance.

How to determine dry type of facial skin?

Dry skin, depending on the sensitivity, age and external factors can have a different appearance. But there are common features characteristic for this type of skin:

Problems with the pancreas, the use of drying cosmetics, lack of vitamins, as well as disruption of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to excessive dryness, and, consequently, to early wilting. For care it is recommended to use means for protection against ultraviolet with an SPF level of at least 20, creams containing ceramides and fatty acids, nutritious and moisturizing masks with vitamins and biostimulants.

How to identify a fatty type of facial skin?

For oily skin, the following symptoms are characteristic:

When oily skin is recommended a balanced diet, with a minimum amount of fatty and flour products. For care, bactericidal agents such as tea tree oil, blue clay, cleansing lotions, as well as preparations with salicylic acid are recommended.

How to determine the combined type of facial skin?

Combined skin is a mixed type, and has the following properties:

When combined skin is required to use the means for both dry and oily skin, respectively, each site.

How to determine the normal type of facial skin?

The normal skin type can be determined by the following characteristics:

Normal skin type is rare. The purpose of caring for such skin is to maintain its healthy state. Do not overdry the skin and use too greasy.

If there are skin problems, ineffectiveness of the selected cosmetics, you should consult a specialist, since it is possible to find out the type of facial skin on your own because of external factors. Working with harmful substances, exposure to weather conditions, various diseases, malnutrition and bad habits can significantly affect the skin condition. In such cases, the cosmetologist will help determine the tactics of care and will advise effective means for protecting the skin.