Why it is impossible to press pimples?

When you have any rashes on the skin, you want to get rid of them by any means. Some women try to squeeze acne on their own in the hope of eliminating the cause of the problem. Despite the fact that mechanical cleaning takes place in cosmetology, this procedure does not always help with acne .

Can I crush acne?

Before answering the question posed, it is important to find out the factor that provoked the disease, as well as the nature of the rashes. If the lesions are located deep beneath the skin, painful or are capsules filled with purulent exudate, it is harmful to press acne, especially without special skills. The fact is that the contents of such rashes do not completely come out at autopsy. After that, the liquid with bacteria spreads inside the dermis. When squeezing bursts many small blood vessels, respectively, exudate enters biological fluids. Therefore, one of the main reasons why it is impossible to suppress acne is a high risk of blood infection and sepsis. But even if this does not happen, the surrounding rashes of the tissue will damage, and in their place deep scars will appear.

Otherwise, the situation is in the presence of comedones or pothrugs. Such formations can be removed only by mechanical cleaning in combination with acid and chemical peelings. It is worth noting that extrusion of milium should be performed by an experienced master after thorough antiseptic treatment before and after the procedure. This will help to avoid infection of microscopic wounds after cleansing and suppuration.

How to stop pimples?

Many women find it difficult to get rid of the described habit, especially if it is practiced for a long time. Dermatologists advise you to use these tips:

  1. Initiate intensive treatment with medication (external and systemic administration).
  2. Regularly visit a beautician for peeling and professional cleansing.
  3. Ask close people to make comments to you if you try to squeeze out a pimple.
  4. Pay close attention to the state of the nervous system. It is proved that violations in her work are one of the provoking factors.
  5. Rarely look in the mirror and look at the skin.

If you wish and diligence, the habit of squeezing pimples will disappear completely with time, and the skin will look much better.