Whitening teeth with soda

Many people try to whiten their teeth. But this procedure in dental offices is quite expensive, so people's remedies come to the aid, such as soda or hydrogen peroxide. They, certainly, help to make a teeth snow-white, but, at wrong organization and preparation, can and cause the big harm to health. To avoid this, you should consult with the dentist about whether your teeth can be whitened with soda, and how to do it correctly.

Does the tooth whiten teeth?

Soda is a powder of small crystals that is able to remove plaque and other deposits from the teeth during mechanical cleaning. But when cleaning teeth with soda, not only unnecessary particles are removed, but also enamel is scratched, so this method of bleaching has a large number of opponents.

To whiten teeth with the help of soda it is possible with the help of such manipulations:

  1. Dissolve the soda in a small amount of water, mix well, drop the toothbrush into this solution and brush the teeth.
  2. Pour a pinch of dry soda onto the wetted bristles of the brush and clean. Can also be mixed with toothpaste.
  3. We make a soda solution, impregnate them with a small piece of gauze. We wind it on the finger and brush our teeth.
  4. We lower the toothbrush first into hydrogen peroxide, and then into soda and clean the teeth gently.

Recommendations for teeth whitening with soda

  1. Before carrying out this procedure, the teeth should be strengthened. For this you need about 3 weeks before the beginning of bleaching:
  • Do not perform tooth treatment more than once a week.
  • Cleaning should last 2-3 minutes.
  • During the procedure, try not to touch the gums, as they can be injured. And people with sensitive and painful gums at all are not recommended to use this method.
  • Replace the daily used toothpaste curative.
  • Whitening teeth with soda, as well as peroxide, is possible at home, but you should be aware of the negative consequences of this method:

    Therefore, despite the fact that this is the most accessible and effective way to make teeth white, many recommend simply taking a good whitening toothpaste and adjusting the food.