Slimming products that reduce appetite

Drugs that reduce appetite and weight are called anoretics. They include substances that act on the psychological state of a person and help to forget about food. The benefits of these drugs are a lot of controversy, because they have quite a lot of side effects.

What drugs reduce appetite?

Anorectics, considering the mechanism of action, can be divided into two groups:

  1. Adrenalin-like - activate receptors that are sensitive to adrenaline. Such drugs not only reduce appetite, but also improve mood, and increase energy metabolism. Side effects include problems with the nervous system, insomnia , increased heartbeat and pressure. With prolonged use, it is addictive. Officially, drugs are prohibited, but pills similar in structure are used.
  2. Serotonin-like - help maintain a high level of serotonin, which also improves sleep and mood. The conducted researches have established, that the most effective preparations, reducing appetite, helped to get rid of the desire to eat harmful fats and carbohydrates . They are addictive and can adversely affect the brain. In some countries, drugs are prohibited.

At the moment, licensed drugs that reduce appetite, are anoretics with sibutramine. This substance combines the action of both of the above groups.

The most popular slimming products that reduce appetite:

  1. Garcinia Forte . Active biological supplement, which contains plant components, ascorbic acid and minerals. Helps reduce appetite hydroxycitric acid.
  2. Meridia . Helps reduce appetite, normalize metabolism and reduce body weight. Has a fairly wide range of contraindications, and may also have side effects. Before using, always consult a doctor.
  3. Turboslim "Control of appetite . " An active biological supplement that contains L-carotene and hoodia extract, namely these substances reduce appetite. Another drug improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.