What foods reduce cholesterol?

According to statistics, a huge number of people have an elevated cholesterol level. As a result, the walls of the vessels form plaques, which increase the risk of blood clots. That's why it is important to make your menu correctly, including products that reduce cholesterol in your blood. It is important to exclude from their diet animal fats, high-calorie dairy products, offal, sausages and fast food.

What foods reduce cholesterol?

Products aimed at reducing the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood, have a different nature, and they differ in the mechanism of action.

Fish . The composition of sea and river fish includes Omega-3. The most useful substances for reducing cholesterol are in sardines and salmon. The daily rate of fish is 150-250 g, which will reduce the level of bad cholesterol by about 25%. You can additionally take fish oil, so one capsule per day is sufficient. Useful is tuna, trout, cod, etc. In addition, fish reduces the viscosity of the blood and the general condition of the body. It is important to consider that frying fish is by no means possible, since it will destroy all useful substances.

Vegetables . The composition of these products includes a lot of fiber, vitamins and other nutrients, among which there are polyphenols, which not only reduce the amount of bad cholesterol, but also help unsaturated fats to be better absorbed. The best vegetables are in fresh form, for example, making salads and filling them with olive oil. Consider a list of what products, namely vegetables reduce cholesterol in the blood:

  1. Broccoli . The composition includes a lot of fiber, which gets into the body, envelops and removes harmful fats. The daily rate is about 400 g.
  2. White cabbage . Useful antioxidants are stored not only in fresh, but also in the prepared vegetable, for example, in stewed or crocked form. In a day you need to eat at least 100 g.
  3. Tomatoes . Fresh tomatoes favorably affect the condition of the heart, and also eating 0.5 kg of vegetables can reduce the amount of cholesterol by about 10%.
  4. Beans . The composition of such products includes many coarse fibers, B group vitamins, pectins and folic acid. Including beans that reduce cholesterol, you can reduce your diet by 10%.
  5. Cereal products . Talking about what foods lower cholesterol , you can not miss the brown rice, millet, barley and other whole grains that contain fiber, the action of which has already been said. The perfect option for breakfast - a portion of oatmeal, which with daily consumption will reduce the level of cholesterol by about 4%.

Other products that reduce bad cholesterol:

  1. Nuts and seeds . Contain monounsaturated fats, which increase the concentration of good and reduce the level of bad cholesterol. The daily rate is 30 g. This includes walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and flax, and hazelnut.
  2. Olive oil . The composition includes many phytosterols, which allows you to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. It is best to give preference to unrefined oil.
  3. Oyster mushrooms . The composition of these fungi is lovastine, which reduces the size of vascular plaques. The daily rate is only 10 g.
  4. Fruits . They contain a lot of fiber, which reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol, but also each fruit has its own separate plus. For example, in prunes and apples there are antioxidants . In an avocado, a lot of phytosterols, so eating every day for three weeks for half an avocado, you can reduce the concentration of cholesterol by 15%.