Fortune-telling "Crown of Love"

The history of divination "Crown of Love" begins in ancient Greece. The most beautiful goddess of love Aphrodite presented herself with the Crown of Love as a gift for the wedding of the sea mistress Fetida. In it were all the forces of beauty and eternal love. They were supposed to help the bride find harmony in the future. Forged this incredible gift Hephaestus somewhere on the seabed. The myth says that during the manufacture of stars from the sky fell, which broke into thousands of incredible beauty, fragments. This spectacle was like the explosion of a million fireworks. Love, embedded in the crown, was an inspiration that gave strength to various accomplishments and creations.

Until now, a huge number of brides adorn their head with various diadems, wreaths, which are a symbol of love and virgin beauty. Today, you can tell fortunes on the Crown of Love and find out everything about your chosen one: whether he loves, whether he wants to be with you, whether the relationship will be long and strong. The peak of its popularity, this fortune-telling has reached recently, but today it is used by a huge number of women to find out all the information they are interested in about a man.

To betray the Crown of Love, you need to focus on the question that interests you for a while and think about your lover. Next, you should click on the crown and get an answer to the question. If it is unsatisfactory, then you do not need to guess, since other answers will not be true.

Important conditions that must be observed when using the fortune-telling "Crown of Love":

  1. It is not recommended to conduct this divination if you have a bad mood, fatigue and confusion.
  2. Also, divination will be false if you are in a litter with your lover.

Fortune-telling "Crown of Love" on Tarot cards

In this case the divination will be directed to professional activity, since the crown is also a symbol of power and success. Ritual will help in the new workplace to realize their ambitions, talent, show leadership qualities, and all in order to put on a deserved "crown".

Fortune-telling "Crown of Love" on Tarot cards will help you to know all aspects of future employment: finance, career growth, team relations and other issues related to work. It works this fortune-telling for about half a year or mentally independently set to it term. Before you start the ritual, you need to tune in, for this you can use meditation. After carefully mix the cards and arrange 8 cards, as shown in the picture.

The interpretation of the layout:

Map # 1 - Tell about the working conditions that you are expected to find in a new location, as well as the surrounding environment.

Card number 2 - Uncover the financial prospects, that is, possible salaries, bonuses, etc.

Card โ„–3 - Here you can find out full information about the possibility of career growth, as well as relationships with future bosses and possible subordinates.

Card number 4 - Tell about the relationship with colleagues.

Card number 5 - At this stage of guessing you can find out information on how to behave at work in order to find your place in the team and gain credibility.

Card number 6 - Tell you what is best to avoid at a new place of work, so that there are no conflicting and other unpleasant situations.

Map โ„– 7 - Here you will find out information about how how exactly to reflect on your everyday life work, that is, whether to change somehow the relationship with close relatives, friends, which will change in the home environment, etc.

Map number 8 - Tell us about your prospects for this work in the distant future.

The interpretation of the tarot cards themselves can be found in this article .

Some important tips:

  1. If the first 4 cards were bad, then after the expiration of the fortune telling, you will be able to influence their change.
  2. Very important are the cards under Nos. 5 and 6. Therefore, pay special attention to the advice and information that you will receive from them.