Guessing on the attitude of men

To date, there are many predictions about the relationship of men, which let you know the true feelings of the chosen one, his hidden intentions, and also get predictions for the future. To get a truthful answer, one must guess in solitude in complete silence, to concentrate all thoughts and energy on the process. It is important to believe in what you are doing, otherwise the result will be deceptive.

Divination by Tarot on the attitude of the beloved

Predictions using tarot cards are very popular, because they allow you to get a lot of interesting information, which makes it possible to draw certain conclusions about the relationship and understand how to correct the situation and whether you really need to do it. Take the older lasso, mix them and lay out, as shown in the figure, and then, go on to the interpretation of fortune telling on the development of relationships:

Simple and most accurate guessing of a person's attitude

To conduct this fortune telling you need to prepare a new box of matches. Take only two matches and fix them in any way on the table, for example, you can stick them in a container of salt. Decide which match will symbolize you, and which partner. You can make notes to avoid making mistakes. Light them and observe the behavior, which will be the result of divination:

  1. If one match is bent to the other, it symbolizes great and sincere feelings.
  2. Smooth burning is a relationship in which feelings are pushed to the background.
  3. Matches arched in opposite directions - parting close.
  4. One candle turned away - there is a third party in the relationship.

The most truthful guessing on relations with a man "Formula of Love"

This method of prediction has appeared in China and it is believed that it gives a truthful result. Take a piece of paper and make simple calculations based on the questions presented:

The number of letters in your name and in the name of the man?

Is there an O, and what is it? The negative answer is 0. Answer yourself and your chosen one.

The numerical value of the first letter in your name and the name of the chosen one? (see the table).

The number of letters "L" in both names. The negative answer is 0.

To continue guessing about the future of the relationship with your loved one, add up all the values ​​to get the sum, and then, subtract 7 from it, and multiply the result by 2. The final value should be transformed by adding the components until you get a prime number. For example, if the result is 26, then you need 2 + 6 = 8. After that, you can proceed to the interpretation:

1 - the relationship is strong and sincere. Happiness can be broken if one of the couple wants to take the lead. If the pair is equal, it will be possible to build a strong family.

2 - lovers understand each other with a half-word. Quarrels can arise because of a lack of emotion. For the preservation of relations, it is necessary to seek opportunities to receive emotions from other spheres.

3 - happy relationship. There is much in common between partners and they can build a strong family.

4 - the relationship is based on passion, so lovers often go to extremes. You can save the relationship only by accepting the partner as it is.

5 - lovers live by emotions, which prevents them from seeing reality. It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses.

6 - a harmonious union, which can collapse due to mistrust. Learn to trust each other, and then everything will be fine.

7 - it will be possible to build strong relations only if one is the leader, and the second will agree to take the second place.

8 - complex relationships that can be destroyed due to mutual reproaches. Save the union can only be reached by mutual understanding.

9 - lovers are incompatible, so they do not have a future.