Baby Uterus

Most often a woman, only becoming an adult and planning a pregnancy, learns that she has a syndrome of the baby's uterus (hypoplasia, infantilism) - underdevelopment of the uterus, which is characterized by small sizes that do not correspond to the age and physiological norm of development. The pediatric uterus has dimensions smaller than in the normally developed state: normally its length is 5.5-8.3 cm, width 4.6-6.2 cm, the cervix itself 2.5-3.5 cm. Any even the most insignificant deviations from the norm are characterized by a doctor as a pathology.

Diagnosis of the baby uterus: causes and symptoms

This pathology of the development of the sexual system of a woman can occur as a result of an infectious disease that has been transferred to the stage of the formation of female genital organs. Other reasons leading to this violation are:

In some cases, the baby uterus may be congenital, due to the peculiarities of intrauterine development. Although outwardly the sexual organs of a woman look usually, but in fact there is no development of follicles and ovulation. The menstruation itself changes: the first cycle of the girl comes late enough (after 16 years) and, as a rule, the monthly periods differ in their irregularity and soreness. Allocations can be either excessively abundant, scarce, or not at all.

The girl with the diagnosis of the baby's uterus is also different in appearance: the secondary sexual characteristics are usually weakly expressed, the thorax is narrow, the girl herself is not very tall.

In more mature age, women with a diagnosis of the baby's uterus are often put "infertility", "ectopic pregnancy" and "habitual miscarriage." In pregnancy, such women are more likely to be exposed to toxicosis and have a higher risk of complications in childbirth (mild labor, lack of disclosure during labor, postpartum haemorrhage).

Women with a baby uterus are having difficulty achieving orgasm during sex.

Disease of the baby uterus: traditional treatment and treatment with folk remedies

If the woman is diagnosed with a "baby uterus", you should not give up, as modern medicine has stepped far ahead and can cope with almost any ailment. For the treatment of hypoplasia, the following methods are used:

The use of such methods allows to improve the blood supply of the uterus, as a result of which it begins to grow and eventually reaches its normative physiological dimensions.

One of the popular ways of treating the baby uterus is to use natural clay, from which the compresses are made lower abdomen. Such a compress should be done every day and kept on the stomach for two hours.

In some cases, clay can be diluted not with water, but with special "female" grass - with a hog uterus. This can enhance the healing effect and accelerate the growth of the uterus to a normal state.

If there is an abnormality in the structure of the uterus, one should not despair, since the abundance of traditional and folk methods of treatment will allow to correct the existing disorder and safely become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy child.