How can you get syphilis?

Pale treponema - a malignant microorganism, which is the causative agent of such a dangerous disease as syphilis, knows no obstacles. Neither the skin nor the mucous membranes of a person is able to prevent its penetration. Accordingly, the ways of infection with syphilis can be very diverse. In this connection, every person, regardless of marital status, status, lifestyle and profession, needs to know how they are infected with syphilis. After all, the disease can for a long time not manifest itself as external symptoms, and then acquire a chronic form. In such cases, alas, the outcome of the disease is the most sad, and the number of infected is estimated in dozens.

Ways of infection with syphilis

Sad to be aware of this, you can get infected with syphilis almost everywhere: in the hospital, in transport, at a friendly party and even at home.

Conditional ways of infection pale treponema divided into:

  1. Sexual. Unfortunately, despite the propagation of barrier means of contraception and caution about casual sexual relations, this way of infection with syphilis is the most common. At the same time, the risk of becoming a carrier of pale treponema is at least 45%.
  2. Domestic. As a rule, you can get infected with household syphilis if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene and do not know that someone from the household is sick. The source of infection are common tablewares, towels and other household appliances, which did not have time to dry the patient's biological fluid.
  3. Blood transfusion. In this case pale treponema penetrates the body directly through the blood (blood transfusion, multiple use of medical instruments).
  4. Professional. It's about doctors who have to deal with patients and their biological material. Infected with syphilis, usually gynecologists, obstetricians, surgeons, dentists and pathologists.
  5. Transplacental. Through the placenta or during passage through the birth canal, pale treponema, one way or another, will get to a little man.