When does the period begin after the delivery?

The question of when the menstrual period starts after the birth, excites many women, especially after the birth of the first child, when there is no experience and it is difficult to understand what changes in the body are positive and which should be alarming. Let's see what specialists say about the recovery of the menstrual cycle after childbirth, what factors influence this process and what should be feared.

When does the period begin after the delivery?

Normalization of the menstrual cycle indicates the restoration of the reproductive system, and, consequently, the possibility of subsequent conception. But in each individual case it is never possible to say with certain precision when the monthly after the delivery will come, since it depends on many factors. The main role is played by the method of feeding the child, so much depends on the health of the woman, the state of the endocrine system.

When does it come after breastfeeding after breastfeeding?

When breastfeeding, the hormone prolactin is produced, which prevents ovulation by suppressing the production of hormones in the ovaries. Previously, it was believed that the menstrual cycle should be restored after stopping breastfeeding. But with the modern rhythm of life, there are many factors that affect the production of prolactin, and, consequently, the menstrual cycle can recover long before the complete cessation of breastfeeding. The most important factors affecting the production of prolactin are the intake of hormonal drugs and the method of feeding.

When will the men after the delivery come breastfeeding on demand?

As a rule, with such feeding, the menstrual cycle is restored about a year after the birth of the child. But it is necessary to be careful, as failure in feeding can lead to a decrease in the level of prolactin and premature recovery of the function of the ovaries.

When after the birth, do menstrual periods begin with breastfeeding according to the regimen?

Feeding on the regime causes disruption of the production of prolactin, so menstruation can recover within a few months.

When does the mixed feeding come after the birth?

As a rule, with the additional use of artificial mixtures, the menstrual cycle is restored 3-4 months after birth.

When after the birth, do menstrual periods begin with artificial feeding?

In the absence of breastfeeding, it takes from 1 to 2.5 months to restore the menstrual cycle.

When do they come monthly after repeated delivery?

The restoration of the menstrual cycle is not affected by the number of previous births. But the method of feeding, age and health, and in particular of the genitals, can significantly affect the regularity of menstruation. If menstruation does not start by the time you are supposed to go to the doctor.

When do menstrual periods come after artificial birth?

In this case, the way of feeding plays an important role. If there is no breastfeeding for the recovery cycle will take about 10 weeks.

What to do when irregular periods occur after childbirth?

As a rule, after the onset of 2-3 menstruation, the cycle should be established, although it is possible to restore after the first menstruation. If, after the third menstruation, the cycle remains irregular, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

How many months pass after birth?

As a rule, after the birth the duration of menstruation does not change, but the periods can become less painful and more regular. Long monthly after childbirth can go in the first few cycles, but if later menstruation does not come back to normal, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor. Sometimes, asking how many months are after the birth, women mean spotting that starts from the very first day after the birth and can last up to 1.5-2 months. These are called lochia. Lochias have nothing to do with the menstrual cycle, since they are a consequence of damage to the endometrium of the uterus and last until it is restored.

Why is there no monthly after childbirth?

Absence of monthly after birth, with artificial feeding can indicate the diseases of the reproductive system. Also, the lack of menstruation should stop when breastfeeding stops. The reason for the absence of a period or irregular cycle after the onset of menstruation may be endometriosis, postpartum pathologies, inflammation of the ovaries, hormonal disorders, as well as the formation of a tumor. In addition, the reason for the absence of menstruation may be pregnancy.

It is worth remembering that the restoration of the menstrual cycle does not mean that the body is ready for subsequent pregnancy. The onset of a repeat pregnancy prior to the onset of menstruation is quite common, which is absolutely unfavorable for an exhausted woman's organism or for a future child. As you know, it takes at least 2-3 years for complete recovery after childbirth, and only then you can plan a subsequent pregnancy. Therefore, take care of contraception is in advance, without waiting for when the monthly will go after childbirth.