Hormonal disorders

The hormonal background is what determines the whole life of a person. Depends on his appearance, mood and health. Unfortunately, very often because of various diseases and wrong behavior of a person there is a violation of the hormonal background.

Many diseases, mood swings even infertility often have this very reason. From the balance of hormones also depends on the appearance of a person, his immunity and ability to withstand stress. Male and female character and figure are also formed under the influence of hormones. Therefore, everyone needs to know the causes of hormonal imbalance and try to avoid them. In addition to hereditary and endocrine diseases, violations can cause a number of other factors.

Because of what happens hormonal imbalance :

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Basically, they depend on the patient's age and sex, but there are common signs for all:

Despite the prevailing view that this happens mostly in women, hormonal disorders in men are also common. In addition to common for all the symptoms, they can appear obese by the female type, reduced facial hair and body weight, decreased testicles and increased voice timbre.

What to do if the hormonal background is broken?

If you suspect that your problems are associated with an imbalance of hormones, you should always be examined by a doctor. It can be a gynecologist or an endocrinologist. Blood tests will help to identify the balance of which hormones are broken. As a result, the doctor will prescribe hormonal drugs. But in addition to taking medication you need to adjust the regime of the day and nutrition.