Cystic ovarian change

Cystic ovarian change is a gynecological disease that is associated with a violation of the balance of female and male sex hormones in the body of a woman. At the same time, the level of androgen produced (male sex hormone) is much higher than the production of female sex hormones. The result is the absence of ovulation.

Cystic changes can occur, either on the right or on the left ovary, or on both ovaries.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Ovarian Cyst Change

Cystically altered ovaries on ultrasound look like greatly enlarged ovaries. In a cystically altered ovary (left or right), many small cysts are found located along its structural periphery.

But there is not always an increase in the size of the cystic changes in the ovaries. In more than half the cases of this disease, only an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone and testosterone is observed.

Virtually all women suffering from this pathology have irregularities in the menstrual cycle, lack of ovulation and primary infertility .

In addition, there may be: increased levels of hair growth on the body, acne, alopecia, obesity, increased irritability, headaches, pain in the lower abdomen.

For the diagnosis is required:

Causes of ovarian cyst

As the causes of this pathology, dysfunctions of female reproductive glands, adrenal glands, hypothalamic-pituitary system, thyroid gland, and hereditary factor most often act.

Some researchers associate the development of this disease with an excessive level of insulin, stimulating increased production of androgen.

To provoke the disease of the ovaries can also stress, reception of contraceptives, a sharp change in weight, breast-feeding. The cause, for example, of cystic-gliotic changes in the ovaries (cicatricial-adhesive) is inflammation.

Treatment of cystic ovarian changes

Until recently, the only possible method of treating this pathology of the female reproductive system was considered surgical.

Now this method is used only in the case when conservative medical measures did not give the desired effect. The main objectives of treatment are: