Homeopathy with menopause - drugs

To combat not always pleasant manifestations of menopause, there are various methods, the main one of which is hormone replacement therapy. But hormones to hormones are different. You can use synthetic hormonal drugs, and you can - natural (based on phytoestrogens). To such funds that help with menopause, include homeopathic remedies, which represent a real alternative to medicines.

Treatment of menopause with menopathy

Homeopathic medicines used in menopause, be it drops or tablets, contain in optimum concentration phytoestrogens, which are "natural analogues" of estrogen, obtained from certain plants.

The treatment of climax with homeopathy is milder, it gradually leads the woman's body to a normal state. This is a relatively safe therapy that is suitable for almost all women, since the negative effect on the body is minimized.

Homeopathic remedies for menopause

Known homeopathic medicines used in menopause are:

  1. Feminal - contains extract of red clover. Homeopathic treatment with this drug helps to correct manifestations of the deficiency of sex hormones in menopause.
  2. Estrovel containing soy extract, cymicifugi of ratsimosa, wild yam, nettle leaves, vitamins B and E. This agent reduces the severity and number of tides, the risk of various neoplasms, normalizes blood counts, replenishes calcium deficiency, which serves to prevent osteoporosis; has a positive effect on immunity.
  3. Remens on the basis of the extract of the Canadian sanguine, tsimitsifugi racimosa, lachesis, sepia, pilocarpus. The drug not only replenishes the deficiency of female hormones, but also strengthens the entire female body.
  4. Tsi-klim on the basis of the extract of the cymicifugi of racemoma.
  5. Climadinone, which includes ricicosis tsimicifugi extract, which reduces hot flashes and eliminates estrogen deficiency.
  6. Ladis formula "Menopause" on the basis of the extract of passionflower, dongue, spirulina, sarsaparilla, vitamins of groups B and E, minerals. The drug neutralizes the lack of estrogen and corrects psycho-emotional disorders; is the prevention of vitamin deficiency and osteoporosis.
  7. Also for the treatment of menopause are used such homeopathic remedies as Ovariamin, Tibestan, Femikaps, Femivell, Klimaksan, Menopijs, Klimakt-Hel, Klimaktoplan, Red Broom, Klimalanin, Lefem and others.

The onset of the climacteric period is not a reason for depression and depressive moods, it is an opportunity to enjoy the tranquility and serenity.

Every woman can learn how to manage her female beginning with the help of modern homeopathic remedies. In this case, the climax for a woman will pass unnoticed.