How to check the breast gland by yourself?

As you know, it is better to prevent the problem than to solve it later. This statement applies to the female body. Every woman should know how to independently check her breast gland for neoplasm, because breast cancer is the second most common cause of death in the world.

How do I check my chest?

Do self-examination five days after the menstruation is over. This is the time of maximum relaxation of the muscles of the breast and, according to doctors, it can be checked by yourself, so that at the slightest suspicion you can turn to a mammalogist or a gynecologist:

  1. You need to remove the bra and stand in front of the mirror; lighting should be good.
  2. First you should consider the skin - they should be uniform color, without dark spots, redness, areas of denser skin.
  3. Nipples on examination should not be drawn.
  4. Throwing the right arm behind the head, the left one begins to palpate the right breast.
  5. First, you should examine the outer part with the capture of the axillary region of the lymph nodes. Circular movements are made without effort.
  6. Then, with both hands - the fingers of one hand from the bottom and the palm of the hand from above, the dairy gland "into the depths" is felt.
  7. The same is done with the left gland.
  8. Fingers gently squeezes the nipple to see if there is any discharge from the chest. If they are yellow or with an admixture of blood - urgently to the doctor!
  9. A woman should be alerted to any seals in the chest or painful sensations that should not be in this period of the menstrual cycle.
  10. The compressive movements of the fingers need to examine the inside of the breast, starting from the bottom, going to the center of the chest.

Knowing how to test the mammary glands alone, a woman can prevent health problems. This should be done monthly, and once a year to take a picture of the breast - a mammogram.