Serous ovarian cyst

One of the most common formations of the ovary is the serous cyst. Very often its course is asymptomatic and it is found during ultrasound examinations of women, as anechogenous round formation on the ovary of various sizes with a dense wall. A simple serous cyst is single, with multiple cysts or a multi-compartment serous formation, serous ovarian cancer can be suspected.

Causes of serous cysts

One of the most common causes of the appearance of serous cysts is hormonal disorders in women, often associated with diseases of the genital organs. Other possible causes of cyst development are miscarriage or abortion, stress, irregular or indiscriminate sex life, endocrine diseases.

Symptoms of serous cysts

With a small size of the cyst, there may be an asymptomatic course of their course for a long time. Other symptoms, which can be suspected cyst - irregular periods or their delay, abdominal pain, uterine bleeding. With inflammation or torsion cysts there will be symptoms of inflammation - fever, sharp pains in the abdomen. With a large cyst size, an abdominal enlargement, including asymmetric abdomen, is possible. Other symptoms of cyst are common and can not indicate its presence - general weakness, irritability, fatigue, nausea, back pain.

Diagnosis of serous cysts

With a gynecological examination, it is possible to suspect a serous cyst by finding a uniform, non-painful, flexible and elastic round formation on palpation on one of the ovaries. For additional diagnosis, ultrasound is used, in which the serous cyst looks like an anechogenous round formation of different sizes, homogeneous in structure, surrounded by an elastic capsule. Mandatory in the presence of a cyst remains an examination for cancer markers, to exclude malignant process.

Serous ovarian cyst - treatment

For treatment, both drug therapy and surgery are used. From medicamentous use hormone therapy (combined hormonal contraceptives, gestagens). If the drug treatment is ineffective for more than 6 months, with large sizes, torsions of the ovarian cysts , ruptured cysts with the development of internal bleeding, surgery is indicated with the removal of the cyst and its subsequent histological examination.